DO 79, s. 2003 – Assessment and Evaluation of Learning and Reporting of Students’ Progress in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Amended by DO 82, s. 2003 – Amendment of DepEd Order No. 79 s. 2003 on Assessment and Evaluation of Learning and Reporting of Students’ Progress in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

October 10, 2003
DO 79, s. 2003
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning and Reporting of Students’ Progress in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. This Department, responding to the need for an assessment and evaluation system that truly reflects student performance, issues the following guidelines in the assessment and reporting of students’ progress:
    1.1 Grades shall not be computed on the basis of any transmutation table that equates zero to a pre-selected base (such as 50 or 70) and adjusts other scores accordingly.
    1.2 Grades shall be based on assessment that covers the range of learning competencies specified in the Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) and Philippine Secondary Schools Learning Competencies (PSSLC). The test shall be designed as follows:
    -60% easy items focused on basic content and skills expected of a student in each grade or year level;
    -30% medium-level items focused on higher level skills; and
    -10% difficult items focused on desirable content or skills that aim to distinguish the fast learners.
    This design shall apply to all forms of traditional as well as non-traditional assessment whenever applicable. It should be stressed that “easy” does not mean items that only require simple recall.
    1.3 Scores shall be recorded as raw scores, totaled at the end of each
    grading period and then computed as percentages (i.e. [student’s score + highest possible score] x 100).
    1.4 Attainment of at least 75% of the competencies is required to pass each subject.
    1.5 Sixty-five percent (65%) shall be the lowest grade that shall appear in the report card. The student’s true grade below 65% shall be retained in the class record.
    1.6 Grades in the different subject areas shall be computed based on the percentage weights allocated for the various components (e.g., quizzes, participation, projects, and periodical test) as defined in DECS Order No. 80, s. 1993, for the elementary level, and DepED Order No. 37, s, 2003, for the secondary level. A sample table of equivalence for the distribution of weights is attached as Enclosure I, for reference.
    The use of rubrics or scoring guides for non-traditional assessment is strongly encouraged. Prototype rubrics are in Enclosure 2.
    1.7 The final grade in each subject, for both elementary and secondary levels, shall be computed as the average of the four periodical grades.
    1.8 Non-traditional assessment (e.g. open-ended questions, performance-based assessment and portfolio assessment) appropriate to the learning area shall be encouraged to complement traditional assessment (e.g. multiple choice, completion type and matching type) in order to gather holistic information about student performance.
  2. Pertinent provisions and/or sections of DECS Order Nos. 80, s. 1993 and 66, s. 1995; and DepED Order Nos. 37 and 70, s. 2003 which are inconsistent with this Order are hereby revoked or amended accordingly.
  3. These new guidelines shall be adopted in all public schools effective the Second Grading Period of SY 2003-2004.
  4. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

As stated
DECS Order:-(No. 80, s. 1993 and 66, s. 1995) DepED Order: (Nos. 37 and 70, s, 2003)
Allotment: 1— (D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
