DO 22, s. 1994 – Guidelines for Enrollment, Organization, and Opening of Classes in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for SY 1994-1995

May 11, 1994
DO 22, s. 1994
Guidelines for Enrollment, Organization, and Opening of Classes in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools for SY 1994-1995

To: Bureau Directors, Regional Directors, Schools Superintendents

  1. The following guidelines shall be adopted in the opening of classes for public elementary and secondary schools for the school year 1994-1995.
  2. Regular classes for school year 1994-1995 shall start on Monday, June 6, 1994 as specified in DECS Order No. 1, s. 1994. All teachers and pupils shall be in their assigned classrooms and less¬ons shall be conducted beginning on the first day of school.
  3. Class activities prior to the beginning of regular classes, such as enrollment and organiza¬tion of classes, distribution of textbooks, and structuring of classrooms shall have been undertaken before June 6. Annex A provides a suggested schedule of activities.
  4. The following guidelines for the enrollment and organization of classes shall be strictly observed:
    4.1. In the interest of the service, all teachers shall report to school to undertake these pre-opening activities from May 30 to June 3, 1994.
    4.2. Enrollment in Grade I and First Year high school shall be conducted on May 30 to June 3, 1994. It is expected that pupils in Grades II to VI and students in the Second Year to Fourth Year had been tentatively enrolled at the end of SY 1993-1994. The lists of pupils/students enrolled and their class assignments shall be posted on bulletin boards.
    4.3. Late enrollment shall not be allowed. Students and parents shall be properly and immediately advised of this regulation.
  5. By June 3, those First Year, Second Year and Third Year students who cannot be accommodated in the public secondary schools shall be identified and properly informed of their enrollment in nearby private schools participating in the Educational Service Contracting Scheme. Turnaways from the public secondary schools shall begin only after enrolling not more than fifty-six (56) in a class, and shall be certified by the school principal.
  6. In enrolling children in the elementary and secondary schools, the following guidelines shall be followed:
    6.1. For Elementary Schools. Children who will have been 6 1/2 years old by the opening of classes, or those born on or before December 6, 1987, are eligible for enrollment in Grade I.
    (Note that for the next school year 1995-96 the entry age will be further reduced to six years old at the beginning of classes in June 1995)
    6.2. For Secondary Schools. Children who have successfully completed the six-year elementary school course, whether in the regular elementary school program or through the ac¬creditation scheme, are eligible for admission to the secondary level.
  7. The 1987 Constitution mandates that the State shall take appropriate steps to make educa¬tion accessible to all. Thus, no child or youth, who meets the admission requirements shall be refused enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools. In this connection, the following measures shall be taken:
    7.1. For Elementary Schools
    (a) In exigent cases, enroll at least fifty-six pupils per class.
    (b) Use the 1-1 plan or paired teaching in the intermediate grades.
    (c) Resort to multigrade classes under one teacher whenever necessary.
    (d) In case of shortage of classrooms, the two-shift plan may be resorted to.
    7.2. For Secondary Schools
    (a) In exigent cases, enroll at least fifty-six students per class.
    (b) Classes may be scheduled in three shifts when necessary or four shifts in extreme cases.
    (c) Late afternoon classes may be opened.
  8. Elementary/secondary principals are responsible for increasing both participation and survival rates in their schools. They are expected to closely monitor the enrollment and attendance of pupils through the year.
  9. DECS Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries are assigned to the following regions to monitor implementation of these guidelines:
    Undersecretary Luis R. Baltazar CAR, Regions I and II
    Undersecretary Nestor L. Kalaw Regions III, IV and NCR
    Undersecretary Erlinda C. Pefianco Regions V, VI and XI
    ASEC Marcial A. Salvatierra Regions VII and VIII
    ASEC Ramon C. Bacani Regions IX, X and XII
  10. All regulations/issuances inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Order are hereby rescinded and amended accordingly.
  11. For immediate dissemination and strict compliance.

Incl: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: (No. 32, s. 1993)
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, ELEMENTARY
