February 9, 1998 – DO 15, s. 1998 – Preparing for School Year 1998-1999

February 9, 1998

DO 15, s. 1998
Preparing for School Year 1998-1999
To:   Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau / Center / Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Private Elementary and Secondary School Principals
1.  It is desired that classes for school year 1998-1999 which will begin on Monday, June 1, 1998, open in an orderly manner. For this purpose, all preparations for teacher in-service training and assignments; distribution of textbooks and other instructional materials; installation of computers and / or other multi-media facilities; and construction, rehabilitation and repair of classrooms should commence immediately. Special attention shall be made on the organization of classes for Grade 1 pupils.
2.  Schools superintendents shall consult with the heads of public elementary and secondary schools in their respective divisions in determining the rate of improvement in pupil / student achievement desired for school year 1998-1999. A regional report shall be presented to the Management Committee at its meeting in Lingayen, Pangasinan on February 26-27, 1998. The report shall focus on how the goal of attaining higher learning outcomes shall be attained. Since the 1998 General Appropriations Act has not yet been signed as of last week, it is best to assume that resources allocated for SY 1998-1999 shall be available only after June 1998.
3.  The school plans shall likewise include preparations for celebrating the centennial of our nation’s independence.
4.  For strict compliance of all concerned.
                                                                 ERLINDA C. PEFIANCO
Acting Secretary
DECS Order: No. 9, s. 1998
Allotment:  1—(D.O. 50-97)To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
Under the following subjects:CLASSES
