DO 53, s. 1985 – Implementation of National Sports Programs and Projects

August 26, 1985
DO 53, s. 1985
Implementation of National Sports Programs and Projects

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Pursuant to the provisions of Executive Order No, 805 mandating this Ministry to plan and implement an integrated program of physical fitness and amateur sports in the country, including both those in-school and out-of-school…” eight (8) major programs and twenty-eight (28) initial projects have been identified for implementation starting school year 1985-86.
  2. The procedure for implementation of these programs and projects are as follows:
    1. Each school division, based on its perceived capability, shall prepare project proposals which shall be implemented for the current school year.
    2. The regional offices shall evaluate the project proposals and endorse the same to the BSD for funding.
    3. The BSD, within its available resources and subject to the approval of the Minister, shall allocate and sub-allot to the regions the financial support required for the implementation of the projects.
    4. The regional offices shall, in turn, allocate the funds to the divisions.
    5. In cases where funds sub-allotted by the BSD to the regions are not adequate, local funds shall be utilized to insure implementation of the projects.
    6. Project monitoring and evaluation shall be done regularly by both the regional offices and BSD.
  3. Recommended priority projects for the school year 1985-86 are the following:
    1. Physical Fitness Testing, utilizing the new Philippine Physical Fitness Test;
    2. Running – For Physical Fitness, (15 minutes for the elementary, 30 minutes for the intermediate, and 45-60 minutes for the secondary levels, at least three times a week on alternate days.) This also includes organization of 5k and 10k runs. A 15-minute run may be integrated into the physical education classes at the tertiary level.
    3. Staging of Laro ng Lahi, folk dances and folk song festivals or the integration of laro ng lahi, folk dances and folk songs with school and community activities;
    4. Volleyball and chess promotional and developmental activities at the intermediate and secondary levels, and in the community.
  4. In order to achieve uniformity in the development of project proposals, the following format is recommended:
    1. Project Proponent(s)
    2. Project Title
    3. Project Objective(s)
    4. Brief Outline and Schedule of Activities
    5. Financial Requirements
  5. A sample project proposal is attached to illustrate the suggested format. (Inclosure No. 2)
  6. Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3—(D.O. 1-76)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
