DO 6, s. 1986 – 1989 Secondary Education Pilot Curriculum

February 3, 1986
DO 6, s. 1986
1989 Secondary Education Pilot Curriculum

To: Deputy Ministers
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Chief of Service and Heads of Units/Centers
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has scheduled pilot tryouts of the 1989 Secondary School Curriculum in the different regions, as follows:
    1985-86 First Year
    1986-87 First and Second Years
    1987-88 Second and Third Years
    1988-89 Third and Fourth Years
    1989-90 Fourth Year
  2. Inclosed is the 1989 Secondary School Curriculum being tried out in eighty (80) high schools.
  3. A student in the pilot class may be classified in the next higher year if he passes all the required subjects in a given year under the 1989 Secondary Education Pilot Curriculum. If he fails in a 200 minute-a-week yearly subject, he may be allowed to take the regular load for the next higher level with his unit deficiencies.
  4. In a tryout school, where two curricula are offered – the 1973 Revised Secondary Education Curriculum and the 1989 Secondary Education Pilot Curriculum – a class valedictorian and salutatorian should be selected under each curriculum, subject to the provisions of MEC Order No. 1, s. 1979, except Item 2 of its Inclosure No. 1 and MECS Order No. 31, s. 1981.
  5. Details of the tryout are contained in the “Macro Tryout Scheme Handout” and MECS Memorandum No. 88, s. 1985, entitled “National Tryout of the 1989 First Year High School Curriculum.”
  6. It is desired that this Order be immediately disseminated to all those concerned.


Incl.: As stated
Reference: MEC Orders: (No. 1, s. 1979 and 31, s. 1981)
MECS Memorandum: (No. 88, s. 1985)
Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(D.O. 1-76)

To be indicated in the Perpetual – Index under the following subjects:
