DO 51, s. 1987 – Moratorium on the Establishment of New Colleges, Opening of Tertiary Curricular Programs, and the Conversion of Schools/Colleges to Colleges/Universities

May 18, 1987
DO 51, s. 1987
Moratorium on the Establishment of New Colleges, Opening of Tertiary Curricular Programs, and the Conversion of Schools/Colleges to Colleges/Universities

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
Heads/Administrators of Local Government Schools/Colleges/Universities

  1. It has been observed that higher education in the Philippines is beset with multifarious problems, notable among which are the unequal distribution of higher education institutions, duplication of tertiary course offerings, operation of irrelevant higher education courses, and the non-maximization of limited physical resources.
  2. Pending the results of a study on the rationalization of the higher education system as well as the planned study on the matching of regional/national manpower needs and supply, the following policy recommendation of the Board of Higher Education are hereby issued for the information and guidance of all concerned:
    1. No new college, whether government owned/supervised or private, shall be established;
    2. Existing schools/colleges/universities shall not be allowed to open new tertiary curricular programs except those new courses or new majors that would hasten the economic recovery of the nation;
    3. Schools/colleges shall not be converted/elevated to colleges/universities. A state college shall meet the same standards and requirements of the DECS for the conversion of private colleges into universities before aspiring for legislative conversion to university status.
  3. This Order supersedes all other existing policies related thereto and shall take effect this school year 1988-89.
  4. Compliance with the aforementioned provisions by all concerned is enjoined.

Reference: None
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
