DO 69, s. 1987 – Moratorium on the Establishment/Creation of Barangay High Schools

June 29, 1987
DO 69, s. 1987
Moratorium on the Establishment/Creation of Barangay High Schools

To: Bureau Director
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. The passage of Republic Act No. 6054 or better known as the “Barrio High School Charter” with its concomitant provisions on equalizing opportunity of education for all children in the Philippines regardless of the place of birth or economic status, through the establishment of barangay high schools throughout the country, has enabled out youth in the barangays to obtain a secondary education.
  2. While the number of barangay high schools has increased over the years due to the insistent demand of the local communities for secondary education it is saddening to observe that the quality of instruction in most of the barangay high schools has suffered as revealed in the NCEE and the BSE Achievement Tests.
  3. In the light of the foregoing, it is deemed proper that a moratorium on the creation and/or establishment of barangay high schools effective the school year 1987-1988 be observed until such time that problems in the operations of barangay high schools shall have been resolved.
  4. Regional directors are enjoined to require schools superintendents to form a task force to conduct an evaluation on the status of existing barangayh high schools as required in MECS Order No. 25, s. 1986 entitled “Upgrading Standards and Quality of Education in Barangay High Schools.” Recommendations for specific barangay high schools are to be submitted to the DECS as required by the said Order.
  5. It is desired that this regulation be disseminated for the information and guidance of all concerned.


Reference: MECS Order: No. 25, s. 1986
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
