DO 97, s. 1987 – Guidelines on the Selection and Placement of Personnel for the Reorganization of the Regional Offices

September 23, 1987
DO 97, s. 1987
Guidelines on the Selection and Placement of Personnel for the Reorganization of the Regional Offices

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
All Other Personnel Concerned

Pursuant to the implementing authority contained in Executive Order No. 117, the following guidelines are hereby prescribed for the effective selection and placement of personnel to implement the reorganization of the regional offices:

  1. Coverage. All personnel in the regional offices below the level of Assistant Regional Director are covered by these guidelines.
  2. Synchronization and Coordination of Reorganization. The authority delegated to Regional Directors under DECS Order No. 2, s. 1980, and similar orders and issuances to appoint Level I and Level II personnel in their respective regional offices shall remain valid and operational during the reorganization. In order, however, to properly coordinate and synchronize the implementation of the reorganization in both central and regional offices based on the new staffing pattern shall be submitted by the Regional Directors to the undersigned for review and clearance prior to implementation. It is hereby enjoined that appointments, reappointments, termination orders and similar personnel actions to implement the reorganization shall be issued by Regional Directors only after specific orders and guidelines for this purpose shall have been issued by the undersigned.
  3. Criteria for Selection and Placement of Personnel. The pertinent provisions of Memorandum Circular No. 10, s. 1986 of the Civil Service Commission titled Guidelines of Placement of Personnel Affected by the 1986 Government Reorganization” are hereby adopted by the Department. Pursuant to this Circular, all Regional Directors shall evaluate their personnel on the basis of the status of their appointments, competence to perform their duties and moral fitness. Those who meet these criteria as well as the qualification requirements for the position in terms of education, training and experience shall be preferred in the following order:
    1. Permanent Employees
      (1) Those presently occupying higher level positions in the same or allied occupational groups as those in the approved staffing pattern being filled but lower in rank, for lack of a comparable position, and
      (2) Those presently occupying positions with the same or comparable titles and duties and responsibilities as those in the approved staffing pattern.
    2. Temporary Employees
      (1) Those holding regular positions who meet all the requirements for permanent appointment to positions in the approved staffing pattern but appointed under temporary status for lack of appropriate eligibility or because of an office policy; and
      (2) Those holding regular positions who meet all the requirements for the position in the approved staffing pattern except the appropriate civil service eligibility.
    3. Casual, emergency or seasonal employees including consultants and contractual personnel who possess the qualification for permanent appointment to positions in the approved staffing pattern.
    4. Where the number of incumbents to be placed exceed the number of positions in the new staffing pattern, they shall be compared in terms of relative fitness and the most qualified and competent shall be preferred considering the following factors:
      (1) Performance for the last two (2) years
      (2) Education and training
      (3) Experience and outstanding accomplishments
      (4) Physical characteristics and personality traits
  4. Start of Evaluation Process. Pending issuance of the official staffing pattern for each regional office as approved by the Department of Budget and Management, all Regional Directors may start the evaluation of their respective regional office personnel based on the criteria provided under Section 3 of this Order. The Regional Director may create a Regional Selection and Placement Committees to assist him in the selection and placement process, as may be necessary.
  5. In the consideration of the proposed positions and assignments of personnel, it is likewise suggested that Regional Directors shall take into consideration the individual preference of their personnel provided that they meet the basic qualification criteria for the position. Inclosed is a format being used in the Department’s control offices the eliciting the preferred positions of individual personnel, which may be used for this purpose in the regional offices.
  6. Timetable to Implement the Reorganization for the Regional Offices. All Regional Directors shall be guided by the following timetable in implementing the reorganization plan for their respective regional offices:
    1. Regional Directors evaluated their respective personnel based on guidelines defined under this Order
    September 28 – October 30, 1987
    1. Regional Directors submit their proposed plantilla of personnel on or before to the Secretary
    On or before November 2, 1987
    1. The Secretary reviews the proposed

    plantilla of personnel for both
    central and regional offices and issues specific guidelines to implement necessary personnel actions

    November 3 – November 30, 1987
    1. Completion of all personnel actions

    such as appointment or reappointment,
    transfer, phaseout and retirement,
    and the adjudication of appeals relative thereto.

    December 30, 1987
  7. All provisions of other Orders, specifically DECS Order No. 74, s. 1987, which are not in accordance with this Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
  8. Additional guidelines to implement the reorganization of the regional offices shall be issued as the need arises.


Incl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Orders: Nos. (2, s. 1980) and (74) and 75, s. 1987
Allotment: 1—-(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
