DO 17, s. 1988 – 1987 NCEE Cut-Off Score and Related Information

February 12, 1988
DO 17, s. 1988
1987 NCEE Cut-Off Score and Related Information

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports through the National Educational Testing and Research Center (NETRC) has maintained the general NCFE cut-off standard score equivalent to 50 percentile for the 1987 NCEF administered on September 27. For students entering teacher education, nursing and medical technology a higher cut-off standard score equivalent to 60 percentile is required.
  2. For the information and guidance of the field the following NCEE cut-off scores from 1973 to 1987 are presented below.
    NCEE YEAR General Teacher Education Nursing Medical Technology School Year Required
    1973 25 25 25 25 1974-1975
    1974 30 30 30 30 1975-1976
    1975 30 30 30 30 1976-1977
    1976 30 30 30 30 1977-1978
    1977 30 30 30 30 1978-1979
    1978 VOIDED
    1979 35 45 35 35 1980-1981
    1980 35 45 35 35 1981-1982
    1981 40 50 40 40 1982-1983
    1982 45 50 45 45 1983-1984
    1983 45 55 45 45 1984-1985
    1984 45 55 60 45 1985-1986
    1985 45 55 60 60 1986-1987
    1986 50 55 60 60 1987-1988
    1987 50 60 60 60 1988-1989

    In the admission of students, the prescribed cut-off score for the year when the student took the NCEE should be followed.

  3. All admissions officers/directors/registrars of colleges and universities are urged to follow strictly the implementation of the prescribed cut-off scores.
  4. Colleges and universities found willfully violating any policy or through negligence or laxity cause the violation of any of the preceding policies shall be penalized. Such penalty shall range from reprimand to:
    1. Revocation of government recognition;
    2. Cancellation of permit;
    3. Confiscation of permit or recognition bond; and
    4. Penalties as provided for in the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools.
  5. Previous MECS/DECS issuances inconsistent with these provisions are rescinded.
  6. This Order takes effect immediately.

References: DECS Memorandum No. 64, s. 1987
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
