DO 27, s. 1988 – Guidelines for Determining Honor Pupils in Schools Where There Are Accelerated Pupils

March 10, 1988
DO 27, s. 1988
Guidelines for Determining Honor Pupils in Schools Where There Are Accelerated Pupils

To: Regional Directors
School Superintendents
Principals/Coordinators, Laboratory Elementary Schools, State Colleges and University

  1. In schools where there are accelerated pupils in Grade VI said pupils can complete for Honors if they are qualified.
  2. In determining the honor pupils, provisions of MEC Order No. 17, s. 1978 shall apply except on the rating for scholarship. This is because of the unique setup where the curricula for Grade V and Grade VI differ. In view of this, it is suggested that the rating for scholarship of both the accelerated pupil and the regular Grade VI pupils be based on their general averages for the last two rating periods only.
  3. The ratings for character and co-curricular activities shall be determined following the provisions in paragraphs c and d of MEC Order No. 17, s. 1978.
  4. For school year 1989-1990 when the New Elementary School Curriculum will have been totally implemented, determining of honor pupils in these particular schools will follow the same procedure as provided in MECS Order No. 44, s. 1983.
  5. This Order should be disseminated at once to schools where there are accelerated pupils.


MEC Order: (No. 17, s. 1978)
MECS Order: (No. 44, s. 1983)
Allotment: 1-2-3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, ELEMENTARY
