DO 40, s. 1988 – Guidelines in the Implementation of the Free Secondary Education Program for School Year 1988-89

May 18, 1988
DO 40, s. 1988
Guidelines in the Implementation of the Free Secondary Education Program for School Year 1988-89

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Free public secondary education means that the students enrolled in secondary course offerings in national high schools, general comprehensive high schools, state colleges and universities, specialized schools, trade, technical, vocational, fishery and agricultural schools, and in schools established, administered, maintained and funded by local government units, including city, provincial, municipal and barangay high schools and those which may be established by law, shall be free from payment of tuition and other school fees.
  2. Tuition fee refers to the fee representing direct costs of instruction, training and other related activities and for the students’ use of the instruction and training facilities.
  3. Other school fees refer to those fees which cover the other necessary costs supportive of instruction, including but not limited to medical and dental, athletic, library, laboratory and Citizens Army Training (CAT) fees.
  4. The system of free public secondary education shall commence in school year 1988-89.
  5. Parents and the general public should be oriented on the concept of free secondary education.
  6. Enrolment period shall be from June 1 to 15.
    1. First year enrolees should be admitted on a first-come-first-served basis giving priority to graduates of public elementary schools who are residents of the local community until the maximum capacity for the first year students has been reached as determined by the school principal.
    2. The public schools will continue to enrol students seeking admission within the prescribed enrolment period. However, some of those who cannot be accommodated may be shifted to the cooperating private schools under the Education Service.
    3. Students who cannot be accommodated shall be placed on a waiting list.
  7. In order to handle the anticipated increase in enrolment in all year levels particularly in the first year, schools are encouraged to:
    1. increase student-class ratio (40-50 students/class in first year and 50-60 students/class in 2nd year to 4th year) if space will allow.
    2. resort to shifting, either double single 3 shifts provided conditions warrant.
    3. follow a staggered school calendar provided the minimum number of school days are satisfactorily met (185 days or 40 weeks).
    4. experiment with innovative approaches such as IS-OS, IMPACT, Reduced Instructional Time (RIT), Self-Instructional Program, etc.
  8. In cases of classroom shortages, public high schools should:
    1. utilize on a temporary basis the available classrooms of the nearest elementary school;
    2. rent private buildings or negotiate for the use of public buildings to house classes which cannot be accommodated in the main campus.
  9. Fees related to membership in the school community such as identification cards, student organizations and publications may be collected provided that:
    1. the collection and disbursement of such fees is under the supervision of the school authorities within accounting and auditing regulations;
    2. the amount to be collected is in accordance with the following rates:
      (1) Identification Card – not more than P2.50
      (2) School publication – P20.00
      (3) Fees for student organizations should be voluntary and should not exceed P20/student per school year.


Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, SECONDARY
