DO 73, s. 1988 – Redefining the Scope, Functions and Responsibilities of the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education

July 29, 1988
DO 73, s. 1988
Redefining the Scope, Functions and Responsibilities of the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. Pursuant to the policy of the national government on enhancing technical and vocational education for the development of trained middle level manpower as provided for in the Constitution and the Education Act of 1982, the functions and responsibilities of the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education (TPTVE) as created by MECS Order No. 63, s. 1983 is hereby redefined to conform with the current socio-economic development of the country.
  2. The mandate of technical and vocational education is to provide: (a) skills required by a labor-intensive, agricultural and rural-based development; (b) skills for self-employment and entrepreneurship; (c) skills required by current and emerging technologies in industrial and (d) skills of manpower for the international labor market. A system of prioritization of skills development shall be given in the areas of agricultural and food processing, farm mechanization, electrical/electronics, mechanical/automotive, welding and fabrication, computer technology and other related services and occupations.
  3. Increased emphasis shall be placed on short-term non-formal courses (6 months and below) and formal 1 year, 2 year and 3 year technical non-degree programs to respond directly to the needs of the community, agriculture and industry. Active participation of the private sector shall continuously be sought in the planning and implementation of technical and vocational education programs.
  4. To achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency, there shall be established policies, minimum standards and rules for the establishment and operation of technical and vocational education programs and courses. Such policies, minimum standards and rules shall deal on the quality, relevance and scope of programs/courses, educational and instructional inputs and outputs, the management of schools and other pertinent areas of the technical and vocational education system.
  5. Subject to the authority of the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports, the TPTVE, as a research, technical consultative, advisory and policy recommending body to the Secretary through the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education as provided by Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 (Education Act of 1982) shall have the following functions:
    1. To review and study the philosophy and objectives of technical and vocational education as if affects the needs of industry in relation to the institutional, regional, national and international development and to formulate new policies, directions and plans for the sector;
    2. To identify the technical and vocational education training and employment needs for middle level manpower in consultation with the Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Labor and Employment, National Manpower and Youth Council, the private sector, technical and vocational institutions, and other concerned agencies, and to assess if such needs are being effectively met;
    3. To undertake policy research and recommend measures of improving the vocational and technical courses in secondary schools as mandated in Sec. 3 of Republic Act No. 6655 and post secondary technical curricula, minimum education and training requirements, allocation of resources, management systems and performance standards as embodied in DECS Memorandum No. 147, s. 1987 including sourcing of loans and grants available to public and private technical and vocational institutions;
    4. To provide leadership and technical assistance to public and private agencies in collaboration with the different technical and vocational organizations in the planning and development of programs and projects for implementation at the institutional, provincial, regional and national levels;
    5. To provide technical support to the Technical and Vocational Education Institution Networking (TENPHIL) and the Technical and Vocational Education Accrediting Agency of the Philippines, Inc. (TVEAAP) in the implementation of policies, standards and rules on technical and vocational education programs/courses;
    6. Where funds and approved budget are available for research and development, to recommend grants for research in instructional methodologies and materials preparation, in collaboration with the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NCTESD), the Regional Centers (RCTESD) and the Technical Education Institute (TEIs) and other agencies/institutions; and
    7. To coordinate and collaborate with the other Technical Panels especially on Agricultural Education and on Engineering Education, and perform such other functions as may be directed by the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports for the attainment of the objectives of this Order.
  6. To effectively carry out the above-stated functions, the Technical Panel for Technical and Vocational Education shall be composed of the following members who shall be designated by the Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports:
    1. The Director of the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education as Ex-Officio Chairman;
    2. The Executive Director of the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NCTESD) as Ex-officio Vice-Chairman;
    3. One outstanding practitioner for each of the fields of agro-processing, communications and computer services, electronics/electrical, metals/mechanical, garments, shipping and transportation nominated by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) or other agro-industrial collegial groups;
    4. One representative each from the NEDA, DTI and Civil Service Commission; and
    5. Presidents of the Federation of Association of Vocational Institutions of the Philippines (FAVIP) and Philippine Association of Private Technical Institutions, Inc. (PAFTI).
  7. A secretariat headed by an Executive Secretary with a staff on contractual and permanent status under the Office of the Secretary shall be provided and maintained to support the Technical Panel and shall hold office at the National Center for Technical Education and Staff Development (NCTESD), Marikina Institute of Science and Technology, Marikina, Metro Manila. The services of a pool of experts/consultants and resource persons on full-time or part-time basis to be organized by the Panel into technical committees shall likewise be provided and maintained, to be either on detail from existing government institutions/agencies or funded from appropriations that may be availed of by the secretariat for such activities.
  8. Funding for the operation of the Technical Panel for 1988 is a part of the ADB-DECS Technical and Vocational Education Project. Thereafter, funds for operation shall be made a regular appropriation under the Office of the Secretary in the annual General Appropriations Act.
  9. This Order takes effect immediately.

References: MECS Order No. 63, s. 1983 and 28, s. 1986
DECS Memorandum No. 147, s. 1987
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
