DO 91, s. 1988 – Phasing Out of the Associate in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Program

September 26, 1988
DO 91, s. 1988
Phasing Out of the Associate in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Program

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities

  1. It has been observed that a number of schools are continuously offering associate programs in engineering, particularly in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
  2. The implementation of the first curriculum year of the Revised Curricular Guidelines for Engineering Courses in SY 1986-87 stipulated in MECS Order No. 42, s. 1985, implicitly defined the gradual discontinuance of the above associate programs in engineering, and set the last batch to graduate in SY 1987-88.
  3. Apparently however, institutions offering said programs are not fully aware nor informed of the implications of the approval of the Revised Curricular Guidelines and as such were unable to comply.
  4. In view of the above considerations, and upon recommendation of the Technical Panel for Engineering Education, all schools/institutions previously authorized to offer Associate in Civil Engineering, Associate in Electrical Engineering and Associate in Mechanical Engineering are directed to gradually phaseout said programs beginning SY 1989-90, the last batch of which shall graduate in SY 1990-91. The school if it wishes to do so, may realign its course offerings to Civil Technology, Electrical Technology and Mechanical Technology which are all under the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education.
  5. Schools/institutions may apply for the Baccalaureate degree in Engineering under the Bureau of Higher Education after the moratorium on the opening of tertiary curricular programs shall have been lifted.
  6. Immediate dissemination of this Order is hereby requested.

Reference: MECS Order No. 42, s. 1985
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
