DO 87, s. 1989 – Service Credits for Teachers on the Teachers Leave Basis for Attendance in SEDP Training Programs Conducted During School Vacation Amended by DO 51, s. 1992 – Rescinding All DECS Regulations Regarding the Granting of Services Credits
September 11, 1989
DO 87, s. 1989
Service Credits for Teachers on the Teachers Leave Basis for Attendance in SEDP Training Programs Conducted During School Vacation

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. Teachers on teachers leave basis, authorized by the regional directors, superintendents or administrators concerned to attend seminars, workshop and other in-service training conducted during the two weeks Christmas vacation and the two months summer vacation, including those conducted during Saturdays, Sundays and holidays under the Secondary Education Development Program (SEDP), shall be granted one work day of vacation service credit for every eight hours or one day of attendance in such workshop, seminar, and/or in-service training.
  2. Trainors who were given honoraria during the period of training are not entitled to service credit.
  3. This Order takes effect immediately.


References: MECS Orders: Nos. 16 and 34, s. 1983
DECS Order: No. 67, s. 1988
Allotment: 1-2-3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual – Index under the following subjects:
