DO 93, s. 1989 – Supplementary Guidelines on Applications of Employees to Travel Abroad During their Vacation Leave of Absence
October 2, 1989
DO 93, s. 1989
Supplementary Guidelines on Applications of Employees to Travel Abroad During their Vacation Leave of Absence

To: Regional Directors
Cultural Agency Directors
Schools Superintendents
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. It has been observed in a number of applications of employees for travel abroad that their applications for vacation leave of absence have not been filed before the leave was undertaken and in some instances the employee had left the country even before his application had been approved by this Office. Attention is invited to existing regulations that approval of vacation leave is contingent upon the needs of the service and an employee should not be allowed to go on vacation leave until his application is approved by proper authority.
  2. Employees who go on vacation leave without prior approval are considered absent without official leave during such leave. Their applications for leave of absence should be disapproved and they should be advised to report for duty, otherwise, they shall be dropped from the service after thirty (30) days from the effectivity of their leave.
  3. In this connection, it is requested that application of employees to travel abroad be accomplished and submitted together with the following papers/documents.
    1. Application for vacation leave on C.S. Form 6 (Revised 1985), properly accomplished. The application should state the specific purpose for the leave and the country to be visited. The recommending officials, in the first instance, e.g. the principal or immediate supervisor, are responsible in ascertaining the reasonableness undue expenses for substitutes. The application should be duly recommended and/or approved by proper authority before the effective date of leave.
    2. Certificate from head of office concerned that the employee has no pending administrative/criminal case.
    3. Clearance from all money and/or property responsibility if the leave covers a period of thirty (30) days or more.
    4. Certificate from employee stating the expected date of departure from the country.
  4. Applications for permission to travel abroad received in this Office on or after the effectivity of the vacation leave of absence shall be disapproved.
  5. It is desired that this Order be brought to the attention of all officials, teachers and employees for their information.
  6. Strict compliance is likewise desired.


Reference: MECS Order: Nos. 26, s. 1983 and 12, s. 1986
DECS Orders Nos. 50, s. 1989
Allotment: 1-2-3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual – Index under the following subjects:
