DO 73, s. 1990 – The Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Program SY 1990-1991

June 25, 1990
DO 73, s. 1990
The Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Program SY 1990-1991

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents and Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Principals of Secondary Schools

Policy Declaration

  1. Republic Act 6728 signed into law on June 10, 1989, entitled An Act Providing Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education, and Appropriating Funds Therefore, stipulates to wit: “The Existing Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA) Program which covers degree and vocational/technical courses shall be expanded so that a minimum of ten percent (10%) for the school year 1989, fifteen percent (15%) for the school year 1990, twenty percent (20%) for the school year 1991, twenty, five percent (25%) for the school year 1992 and thereafter, of all enrolling first year students can benefit from a full or partial scholarship/ plus an allowance.”
  2. Section 8 of RA 6728, also mandates that “such financial assistance shall be granted to deserving underprivileged students, who shall be selected on the basis of family income, geographic spread and results of competitive examinations to be given by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to students in all secondary schools. The program shall be equitably allocated to provinces and cities in accordance with regional and national plans to priority courses as determined by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports in coordination with the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA). The priority courses shall be submitted to Congress at the start of this program and any changes thereon periodically”. The law refers to underprivileged student as “student whose annual gross income, if any, and that of the combined annual gross income of her/his parents does not exceed thirty-six thousand pesos (P36,000.00).”Budget Allocation For SY1990-1991
  3. In accordance with the decision of the Stale Assistance Council, an amount of One Hundred Thirty Three Million Nine Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Pesos (P133,934,000.00) is set aside for this purpose.New And Additional Features of the Expanded Program
  4. The PESFA subsidy shall be in the nature of grants-in-aid and shall cover the following two types of awards:
    1. Full Grant (SY 1990-1991)
      • 90% of tuition and other school fees, not to exceed P3,727.50 a year, and
      • Allowance of P2,000.00 a year.
    2. Partial Grant (SY 1990-1991)
      • 90% of tuition and other school fees, not to exceed P1,863.75 a year, and
      • Allowance of P2.000.00 a year.

    Regional and Divisional Quota

  5. A quota allocation for each region and division is set based on the population in each region. The allocation per region and division based on the 1995 population estimate is attached as Table 1.Limitations
  6. The law prohibits any grantee from transferring outside of the region. However, the State Assistance Council (SAC) has defined region to mean adjacent regions. Grantees shall only be allowed to enroll within a cluster of regions as defined in Section 7.
    a. if the priority course is not offered in any private school within the region/s.
    b. if the family changed domicile or migrated to another region.
    In both cases, the Division Grant Committee must first approve a transfer.Cluster Region
  7. Adjacent or duster regions are hereby identified.
    Cluster I – Regions CAR, 1, 2, 3
    Cluster II – Regions NCR, 3, 4
    Cluster III – Regions 5, 6, 7, 8
    Cluster IV – Regions 7, 9, 10, 11, 12Special Allocation For Non-Government Organizations
  8. As a special program for farmers, fisherfolks, out of school youth, urban workers, the disabled, tribal communities and other sectors being served by NGOs, Non-Government Organizations accredited by the DECS may submit recommendations for their sectors to the Executive Committee through the Secretariat. The Secretariat shall in turn submit its recommendation to the Executive Committee for final approval.Requirements
  9. All applicants must submit together with their duly accomplished Grant Application Forms (GAFS) the following requirements for degree and non-degree/vocational technical programs.
    1. Photocopy of Form 138 or (class card report)
    2. NCEE rating
    3. Birth certificate
    4. Certification of Good Moral Character from the principal, guidance counselor or parish priest.
    5. Photocopy of the family’s BIR validated Income Tax Return (ITR) or a Certification from his mayor, municipal town treasurer, or any local government official who would know that his income does not exceed P36,000 per annum.

    Applicants for non-degree programs are not required to submit their NCEE ratings.

    Eligibility And Selection Criteria

  10. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements for both degree, and non-degree vocational-technical programs in order to qualify for a grant:
    Degree Program

    1. 75%ile or above in the NCEE
    2. willing to enroll in priority courses identified by DECS
    3. family income not to exceed P36,000 per year
    4. must not be more than 30 years old

    Non-degree Vocational Technical Program

    1. must belong to tire upper 20% of his/her graduating dass
    2. willing to enroll in priority courses identified by DECS
    3. family income not to exceed P36,000 per year
    4. must not be more than 30 years old
  11. The Division Grant Committee shall select the grantees in accordance with the same program criteria and the guidelines embodied in DECS Order No. 28, s. 1989 and must submit its recommendees to the PESFA-Executive Committee through the PESFA Secretariat, not later than July 15, 1990. For the allocation of full and partial grants and the distribution of slots for degree, and non-degree vocational-technical programs, please refer to Table I and the Implementing Guidelines attached as Appendix A.
  12. Grantees may enroll in any of the baccalaureate courses or disciplines, non-degree programs and vocational-technical courses which have been identified as priority programs. Furthermore, a grantee must be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the college, university or technical-vocational school where she/he intends to enroll. The list of programs is attached as Table II.
  13. Grantees may enroll in any private college or University or vocational technical school and institute or school of good standing.Condition of Grant and Enrollment of Grantees
  14. A grantee in this program shall carry a normal load of not less than 15 units per semester and must not fail in the majority of her/his academic subjects in one school year. (Ref. Section 12 Article 8 RA 6728).
  15. To highlight a grantee’s freedom of choice of school, she/he shall be awarded a voucher with a cash value which entitles her/him to enroll in any participating school within her/his region/province and whose ad mission requirement she/he satisfies. The balance of financial support due the grantee shall be settled immediately after her/his enrollment.Enrollment and Payment of Continuing Grantees
  16. PESFA grantees of School Year 1989-1990 who are on their second year shall enroll by enlisting at the Registrar’s Office, provided they passed majority of courses in their first year. The PESFA Secretarial shall in turn pay the school and the student’s allowance through checks upon receipt of the Certificate of Billing and Enrollment. The school shall also submit a certification and list of students who passed or failed in majority of their courses for one year. All continuing grantees must be enrolled in priority courses or their grant shall be forfeited beginning this school year.Management and Organization
  17. The management and organization structure of the PESFA Program as enumerated in DECS Orders Nos. 28 and 38, 1989 shall be maintained.
    The implementing bodies are the following:

    1. State Assistance Council
      Section 14 of RA 6728 states “The State Assistance Council shall be responsible for policy guidance and direction, monitoring and evaluation of new and existing programs, and the promulgation of rules and regulations, while the Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall be responsible for the day to day administration and program implementation”.
    2. The Executive Committee
      1. With the creation of the SAC, the Executive Committee will cease to become the chief policy-making body of the program as provided in DECS Otder 28 arid 38. The EXCOM is hereby reconstituted and shall be composed of:
        The Secretary, DECS – Chairman
        The DECS Undersecretary of Higher Education – Member
        The DECS Undersecretary for Non-Formal/Vocational-Technical Education – Member
        The DECS Undersecretary for Finance and Administration – Member
        The Director, Bureau of Higher Education – Member
        The President, FAPE – Member
      2. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the following:
        (1) Approval of overall plans, designs and activities of the program;
        (2) Approval of the program budget;
        (3) Selection of grantees; and
        (4) Awarding of grants.
        The Coordinating Committee as provided in DECS Orders 28 and 38 is hereby abolished.
      3. The Fund for Assistance to Private Education-Program Secretariat
        FAPE shall continue to provide Secretariat support and shall be respon¬sible for the day-to-day project administration as provided in DECS Orders 28 and 38.
      4. The Division Grants Committee (DGC)
        This is the field nerve center of the program as provided in DECS Orders 28 and 38. The DGC shall be composed of the School’s Division Superintendent as Chairman, representatives of FAPE and COCOPEA and a representative from the regional office as members.
  18. Schedule Of Activities for School Year 1990-1991
    To implement this program, the following schedule shall be followed:
    Planning/Preparatory Activities – March 5 – April 2/90
    Deliberations and Approval of Program Plans, Designs and Guidelines by
    the Executive Committee – April 3 – May 17/90
    Promotion/Dissemination of
    Information – May 18 – May 30/90
    Recruitment of Applicants – May 18 – June 5/90
    Processing of Applicants’ Data by
    the Division Grants Committee – May 30 – June 13/90
    Selection/Approval of Grantees by
    the Executive Committee – June 1- June 13/90
    Awarding of Grants – June 1-June 13/90
    Enrolment of Grantees – June 1-June 20/90
    Monitoring and Evaluation of
    Program – June 21-End SY1990-1991
  19. For your information and implementation.

Incls.: As stated
References: DECS Orders Nos. 28 and 38, s. 1989
Allotment: 1-2-4-(M.O 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, Collegiate FUNDS
