DO 126, s. 1990 – National Implementation of the Parent Learning Support System (PLSS)

November 12, 1990
DO 126, s. 1990
National Implementation of the Parent Learning Support System (PLSS)

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. The minimization if not total eradication of educational wastage due to low or underachievement is vital in developing functional manpower to attain speedy and effective delivery of all kinds of services for national development. To realize this, there must be continuing and concerted effort to raise the achievement level of elementary pupils, particularly in Philippine disadvantaged, depressed, and underserved (DDU) rural and urban areas.
  2. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports, towards this end, has been establishing vital support systems linking the parents/communities and teachers to boost the cognitive and non-cognitive performances of students. One of the outstanding innovative schemes in achieving the goals of raising achievement that has received international recognition in the Asia and the Pacific Region is the Parent Learning Support System (PLSS). This was piloted for four (4) years in select schools in DECS regions, namely: Quezon City in NCR; and Leyte for Eastern Visayas with funding assistance from UNESCO for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.
  3. In view of the success demonstrated by the PLSS, all DECS Regional Directors and school administrators are enjoined to take appropriate steps to implement it beginning SY 1991-1992. The National Educational Testing and Research Center (NETRC), in coordination with the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), and DECS field offices are currently undertaking massive development of Trainors Manuals, Modules for Parents, especially in the disadvantaged areas, and other basic learning/teaching devices that are designed to ensure the smooth and successful conduct of this innovative scheme.
  4. It is desired that the contents of this DECS Order be immediately disseminated for the information, guidance and full cooperation of all concerned.


Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, ELEMENTARY
