DO 56, s. 1991 – Philippine Delegation to the Mixed Commission Under the Cultural and Educational Agreement Between Israel and the Philippines

May 27, 1991
DO 56, s. 1991
Philippine Delegation to the Mixed Commission Under the Cultural and Educational Agreement Between Israel and the Philippines
To:    Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Heads of Agencies attached to DECS
1.   In accordance with Article 3 of the Cultural, Educational, and Academic Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the State of Israel, a Mixed Commission shall be established to work out periodical programs and to review the implementation of the Agreement.
2.   In this connection, the Philippine delegation to the above-mentioned Mixed Commission is hereby constituted composed of the following:
Chairman :   DECS Undersecretary for Cultural Matters
Members  :  Director,  Cultural Center of the Philippines
                        Executive Director,  National Museum
                        Executive Director,   National Historical Institute
                        Executive Director,   Presidential Commission on Cultural Affairs
3.   The Philippine delegation shall represent the Philippines in all matters pertaining to the Agreement. It Is advised to coordinate with the Israeli delegation toward convening the Mixed Commission as early as possible.
4.   This Order shall take effect immediately.
                                                                                                                   ( SGD. ) ISIDRO D. CARIÑO
Allotment :  1-2– (M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
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