DO 110, s. 1991 – Making District Supervisor and Division Education Supervisor Positions Coterminous with the Incumbents Amended by DO 22, s. 1996 – Selective Restoration of the District Supervisor Position in Divisions/Districts Where they are Deemed Necessary DO 41, s. 1994 – Revised Guidelines on Field Supervision

September 17, 1991
DO 110, s. 1991
Making District Supervisor and Division Education Supervisor Positions Coterminous with the Incumbents
To:   Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Units
Schools Superintendents
1.   It may be recalled that in 1990 a policy was announced during one of the regular regional directors meeting that effective January 1, 1991 the positions of District Supervisor and Division Supervisor will gradually phased out by not filling up theses positions as they become vacant. This office hereby reiterates this policy which is primarily guided by considerations of greater economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of schools field of supervision. All Division Education Supervisor and District Supervisor positions once vacated by the incumbents shall be abolished and deleted in the Personal Services itemization (PSI) of each respective division for the appropriate calendar year. There shall be no transfer of positions from district to district.
2.   The saving resulting from these positions shall be used to elevate the salary levels of principals.
3.   To foster better coordination and articulation of programs in the elementary level, all Elementary School Principals shall report directly to the Schools Division Superintendent.
4.   Regional Directors and Schools Superintendent are enjoined to strictly conform with this policy and to adjust field supervision accordingly through greater reliance on School Principals.
5.   Details of this concept will be worked on and will be released as soon as possible.
References:   None
Allotment:   1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: