DO 140, s. 1991 – Guidelines in the Administration of the Study-Now-Pay-Later Plan in the Regions Effective SY 1992-1993

December 27, 1991
DO 140, s. 1991
Guidelines in the Administration of the Study-Now-Pay-Later Plan in the Regions Effective SY 1992-1993
To:   Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
1.   The State Assistance Council (SAC), the body responsible for policy guidance and direction as well as monitoring and evaluation of GASTPE programs under RA 6728 has unanimously approved the transfer of the Financial Administration of the Education Loan Fund (ELF) to the regional offices of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) from the Government Financial Institutions (GFI) effective school year 1992-1993.
2.   The approval was in line with the decentralization policy of the DECS and the desire for the effective and efficient delivery of services to the SNPLP clientele. The procedures in processing and releasing the Educational Loan Fund will be minimized and monitoring and supervision of delegated functions to the regions will be strengthened.
3. Regional Officers shall be delegated to administer the financial aspect of the Study Now Pay Later Plan (SNPLP) in addition to functions which already been delegated as stipulated under DECS Order. 91, s. 1988. The following guidelines should be strictly adhered to:
a.   Allocation/Distribution of Slots
   The GASTPE Unit of the Higher Education Division in each region shall allocate and distribute the SNPLP slots (Inclosure No. 1 assigned to school divisions, pilot schools, colleges and universities).

b.   National and Regional Priority Courses

   Inclosure No. 2 of this Order are the validated national priority courses of the SNPLP as approved by the State Assistance Council’s Sub-Committee on Programs and Projects. The regional priority courses will be inclosed in the DECS Order under the PESFA program.

   Before enrolment period, qualified applicants from school division offices/regional pilot schools shall select one of the courses of their choice from among the prescribed national or regional priority courses.

c.   Financial/Accounting Procedures

(1)   DECS regional offices shall open a separate current account with PNB branch offices for funds released for the administration of the Study-Now-Pay-Later Plan.

(2)   DECS Central Office Accounting Division shall sub-allot the funds and issue the corresponding funding checks to the regional offices covering the financial privileges of the student-debtors enrolled in the particular region.

(3)   DECS regional offices shall deposit the funds to its current account and disburse only the allowances, school fees, and other financial privileges due the student-debtor semestrally. However, for student-debtors financed by DECS appropriation through the GFIs, from SY 1988-89 to SY 1991-92, they shall be indorsed to their respective GFIs until all the student-debtors under each GFI have graduated.

(4)   The procedures in the disbursement of the Education Loan Fund (ELF) is contained in the Inclosure No. 3.

d.   Evaluation, Employment and Repayment

   The provisions of Section 2.1 and b of DECS Order No. 114, s. 1989 on evaluation, guidance and counselling, employment, and repayment of student-debtors still apply for SY 1992-1993 until otherwise amended, revised or rescinded.

e. Reports for Submission to the BHE

(1)   Semestral status report of SNPLP grantees should follow the format indicated in Inclosure No. 4 of this Order.

(2)   A copy of master lists of new student-debtors in their respective schools division should be submitted to the Bureau of Higher Education, DECS Central Office, not later than two weeks after the end of every semester.

4.   Immediate dissemination of this Order to all concerned is desired.


Incls.:   As stated

References:   DECS Orders: (Nos.94, s. 1988 and 114, s. 1989)

Allotment:   1-2-3-4 (M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:

