May 8, 1992 – DO 48, s. 1992 – Amendments on the Revised Minimum Standard or Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BSAEn) Program

May 8, 1992
DO 48, s. 1992
Amendments on the Revised Minimum Standard or Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BSAEn) Program

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Inclosed are amendments on the revised minimum standards for the Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering (BSAEn) program as embodied in MECS Order No. 32, s. 1986 as recommended by the Technical Panel for Agricultural Education (TPAE), Bureau of Higher Education. These amendments were formulated based on the results of the Search Conference for New Directions in Agriculture Education held on May 30-31, 1990; Dialogue on Agricultural Engineering held on April 24, 1991; and Workshop on the Revision of Minimum Standards for the BSAEn Program on November 28-29, 1991.
  2. The said guidelines and minimum standards approved by this Office amend MECS Order No. 32, s. 1986 and shall take effect beginning this school year 1992-1993.
  3. All educational institutions offering such program are enjoined to take the necessary steps in adopting the said amendments.
  4. It is desired that the inclosed amendments be given the widest publicity possible.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: MECS Order: No. 32, s. 1986
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
