August 4, 1992 – DO 79, s. 1992 – Authority to Continue Offering the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Bachelor in Elementary Education, Bachelor in Secondary Education, Two-year Midwifery and Junior Secretarial Courses at the Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

August 4, 1992
DO 79, s. 1992
Authority to Continue Offering the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Bachelor in Elementary Education, Bachelor in Secondary Education, Two-year Midwifery and Junior Secretarial Courses at the Gov. Alfonso D. Tan College

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. The Gov. Alfonso D. Tan Memorial College (formerly Tangub City College) is hereby authorized to continue offering the Four-Year Arts, Four-Year Commerce, Four-Year Elementary Education, Four-Year Secondary Education, Two-Year Midwifery and Junior Secretarial courses.
  2. This authority will remain in force and in effect if the school maintains and/or improves its compliance with the courses requirements and the necessary budget allocation is provided for its operation.
  3. It is desired that this Order be widely disseminated.

Reference: DECS Order No. 31, s. 1991
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
