February 11, 1997 – DO 10, s. 1997 – Summer Pre-school Program for Prospective Grade I Children

February 11, 1997
DO 10, s. 1997
Summer Pre-school Program for Prospective Grade I Children

To: Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
District Supervisors

  1. Batas Pambansa 232 defines elementary education as the first stage of compulsory, formal education primarily concerned with basic education and usually corresponding to six to seven grades including preschool programs. Moreover, studies confirmed that the critical years in a child’s life are from birth to six years of age. During these critical years, basic character, values, abilities, personality skills, aptitudes and knowledge are formed. These qualities when properly developed shape the individual’s overall perspective and preparedness for life.
  2. Prospective Grade I enrollees for School Year 1997-1998 (6 years old by June 2, 1997) who have not undergone preschooling may be provided preschool education through a Six-Week Summer Preschool in April and May 1997.
  3. Allotted number of classes to be organized in each division is inclosed. Regional directors are enjoined to submit a report on the districts/schools/classes to be organized for the Program to the Bureau of Elementary Education not later than February 28 as basis for the transfer of funds. Guidelines on the Organization of Preschool Classes are inclosed.
  4. Funding support shall be transferred by DECS to the regional offices and to be liquidated immediately after the conduct of the Program.
  5. Early dissemination and compliance with this Order is enjoined.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: