August 6, 1997 – DO 58, s. 1997 – Guidelines Governing the Turn-Over and Acceptance of Schoolbuildings

August 6, 1997
DO 58, s. 1997
Guidelines Governing the Turn-Over and Acceptance of Schoolbuildings

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. It has come to the attention of this Office that there are many school buildings constructed by the DPWH out of DECS funds and ultimately used by DECS which were later on destroyed or damaged either by fire or typhoon. These structures are discovered lately to have not been formally turned-over from DPWH and other implementing agencies to DECS as real owner/beneficiary.
  2. As a consequence, without the proper documentation, the buildings were not booked up and made part of the inventory of DECS properties. Neither were they insured with the Property Replacement Fund of the GSIS as required under R.A. No. 656 (contained in DECS Order No.76, s. 1994, on the procedures and guidelines in the availment of the Property Replacement Fund), hence preventing DECS from seeking reimbursement for loss or damage through force require. As a consequence, either the school heads/principals or the classroom teachers were not able to collect their full retirement benefits for they were made accountable for the school buildings.
  3. In view of the foregoing, and considering the necessity of proper documentation of DECS properties and to amply protect the interest of the government, inclosed are the guidelines governing the turn-over of schoolbuildings and their booking up in the books of accounts of either the regional or the division office to quiet matters like ownership, insurance with the Property Insurance Fund, as well as the accountability/responsibility of officials on these matters.
  4. For strict compliance of all concerned.

As stated
DECS Order: (No. 76, s. 1994)
Allotment: 1–(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
