September 3, 1997 – DO 62, s. 1997 – List of Approved Textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals for SY 1998-1999

September 3, 1997
DO 62, s. 1997
List of Approved Textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals for SY 1998-1999

To: Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
District Supervisors
All Others Concerned

  1. DECS is pleased to announce the inclosed List of Textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals Approved for Use in Public Schools for SY1998-1999. The list includes the title, publisher, price, and purchase code of each textbook and teacher’s manual which has been approved by the DECS Instructional Materials Council (IMC) for use in public elementary and secondary schools.
  2. Only materials that are included in the attached list may be purchased as textbooks and teacher’s manuals by the DECS field offices. The prices indicated herein are for government-funded purchases of the materials. These prices are inclusive of delivery costs to district offices, in the case of elementary schools, and delivery costs to high schools for purchases made by the DECS Central, Regional and/or Division Offices.
  3. A CY1998 DECS Catalogue of Approved Textbooks and Teacher’s Manuals containing a brief description of each set of approved material found in the attached list shall be issued and distributed to all public elementary and secondary schools. The Catalogue is intended to complement this DECS Memorandum and assist school officials in determining which materials and in what quantities to order.
  4. Any purchase of textbooks and teacher’s manuals shall be based on specific requests from school principals or school heads. All concerned are enjoined to exercise judicious care in the procurement and use of these materials in order to maximize the benefits for the school children.
  5. For the information and guidance of all concerned.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: No. 47, s. 1996
Allotment: 1-3—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
