October 15, 1997 – DO 79, s. 1997 – KABAYANI 100

October 15, 1997
DO 79, s. 1997

To: Schools Superintendents
Principals, Public and Private Elementary
and Secondary Schools

  1. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports in coordination with the National Commission on Savings Philippine Postal Savings Banks and the National Centennial Commission is launching the KABAYANI 100 project in all elementary and secondary schools nationwide.
  2. The KABAYANI 100 is in compliance with the national savings consciousness program launched by the government through Executive Order No. 364 which created the National Commission on Savings.
  3. The Kabayani 100 is a national project spear headed by (DECS) and the Philippine Youth Organization Academy (PYOA) under the National Centennial Celebration. The Kabayani hopes to encourage the participation of all elementary and high school students to actively participate in saving through thrift stamps or as bank depositors through an initial deposit of P1000.00.
  4. The project aims to:
    1. Develop among the youth, especially among the members of the KABAYANI Club an awareness of the vital role of savings to economic development;
    2. Generate a greater awareness among the youth in their role in capital formation by encouraging them to save in banks and in other financial intermediaries;
    3. Instill in the minds of the youth the importance of savings for sustained economic development through continuing nationwide information, educational and communication campaign, and
    4. Recognize and award the outstanding implementors of the program.
  5. The active participation of all in school youth in the Thrift Stamp Savings program and in saving in banks regularly shall be accredited to the three pillars of including the Makabayan, Makatao at Makakalikasan Pillars of the KABAYANI Gabay Cards.
  6. The KABAYANI 100 project will be participated in by all members of the KABAYANI club and as well as all the other elementary and secondary students/pupils in the school who may register as new members.
  7. The Implementing guidelines and project timetable for the guidance of all concerned are inclosed.
  8. All Regional Directors and School Division Superintendents are enjoined to assign the HEKASI Subject Supervisor and teachers to designate as full time as KABAYANI 100 coordinator of the school, district, division and regional levels.
  9. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Order to all concerned is desired.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Memorandum1. No. 325, s. 1996 Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

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