November 10, 1998 – DO 95, s. 1998 – Revised Implementing Guidelines for the Turnover of School Canteens to Teachers Cooperative (DECS Order No. 55, s. 1996)
November 10, 1998
DO 95, s. 1998
Revised Implenting Guidelines for the Turnover of School Canteens to Teachers Cooperative (DECS Order No. 55, s. 1996)

To:   Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau  Directors
Regional Directors
Directors of Centers/Services
Schools  Superintendents
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
Chairpersons, Teachers’ Cooperatives

1.   In order to effectively implement the DECS Cooperative Program and in response to the clamor to clarify and resolve the problems and issues arising from DECS Order No. 55 s, 1996, this Office is issuing the enclosed revised implementing guidelines for the turnover of the school canteens to teachers’ cooperatives.
2.   A Special Committee shall be created at the Central, Regional and Division Offices to perform the following functions :
a.  Conduct an information campaign to encourage the organization of teachers’ cooperatives;
b.   Extend  technical assistance to the processing of papers in the organization of the cooperatives;
c.    Assist in the conduct of training on cooperatives;
d.   Monitor and evaluate the management of teachers’ cooperatives on school canteen.
3.   All queries related to the problems and issues arising from the amended implementing guidelines shall be directed to the Office of Undersecretary for Finance and Administration, Attn.:  Employees Welfare and Benefits Division, DECS Central Office, Meralco Ave., Pasig City.
4.   Previous DECS issuances or any provision thereof inconsistent with the enclosed revised implementing guidelines are hereby rescinded.


                                                                          ANDREW GONZALES, FSC
Incls. :  As stated
Reference : DECS Order No. 55, s. 1996
Allotment : 1-(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
Under the following subjects: