August 19, 1999 – DO 87, s. 1999 – Government Policy on Holding of Classes on August 20, 1999
August 19, 1999
DO 87, s. 1999
Government Policy on Holding of Classes on August 20, 1999
To:   Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Private Elementary and Secondary School Principals
1. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) announces the full discretion of public and private elementary and secondary schools to suspend or hold classes in their respective areas on August 20, 1999.
2. This is in view of the rallies that will be held on that day and its repercussions in Metro Manila and all parts of the country where rallies may be held.
3. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is desired.

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Allotment: 1—(D.). 50-97)
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