DO 20, s. 2001 – Payment of Mid-Year Bonus and Cash Gift

May 9, 2001
DO 20, s. 2001
Payment of Mid-Year Bonus and Cash Gift

To :   Regional Directors
Division Superintendents
Bureau/Executive Directors
Regional Finance Officers/Accountants
All Concerned

Please be informed that the mid-year bonus and cash gift will be paid on May 31, 2001. The Payroll Services Division (PSD) will prepare the payrolls and checks for elementary school teachers, secondary school teachers and non-teaching staff being paid by PSD. The respective regions are ordered to:synchronize for the same date the payments effected through them.
As we continuously strive to find ways and means to assist the teachers in their financial needs, we enjoin everyone to discourage further borrowings specially from high interest sources.
No payment of the bonus shall be made earlier than May 31, 2001.
Please be guided accordingly.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ERNESTO S. PANGAN
