DO 8, s. 2002 – Organizing the Committee on Private Education

March 1, 2002
DO 8, s. 2002
Organizing the Committee on Private Education
To : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureaus / Centers / Regional Directors
School Division / City Superintendents
Cognizant of the vital role of private education institutions in the delivery of basic education services and to ensure that government policies and regulations are sensitive to the unique conditions obtaining in such institutions, a Committee on Private Education is hereby organized in DepEd Central Office to advise the Secretary of Education on private education matters.
Specifically, the Committee shall be tasked with the following functions:
1.  review and reformulate, if necessary, government policies and regulations governing private education;
2.  review the Manual of Regulations for Private Schools and recommend changes as necessary;
3.  formulate guidelines for DepEd field offices on the supervision of private schools:
4.  assess the administration of the GASTPE program and submit recommendations to the State Assistance Council;
5.  develop innovative schemes for public – private education partnerships;
6.  perform other functions as may be directed by the Secretary.
The Committee shall be composed as follows:
Chairperson                        –  Undersecretary Ramon C, Bacani
Co-Chairperson                   –  Undersecretary Jaime D. Jacob
Members                            –  Director, DepEd NCR
                                         Representative, PASS
                                         Two representatives each:
                                         Catholic Educational Association of the
                     Philippines (CEAP)
                                         Association of Christian Schools,Colleges
& Universities of the Philippines (ACSCUP)
                               Philippine Association of Private Schools,
                     Colleges and Universities (PAPSCU)
A Technical Secretarial shall be organized to be composed of representatives of BEE, BSE and COCOPEA, with the BSE representative serving as the coordinator.
The Order shall take effect immediatly.
                                                                                                                              RAUL S. ROCO

Allotment: 1—(D O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
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