DO 2, s. 2004 – Establishing the Performance Review Committee (PARC) of the Department of Education

January 16, 2004
DO 2, s. 2004
Establishing the Performance Review Committee (PARC) of the Department of Education

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services/Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
All Others Concerned

  1. In line with the Revised Policies on Performance Appraisal System enunciated under CSC Resolution No. 991792 and CSC MC No. 13, s. 1999, the Department of Education has implemented its revised Performance Appraisal System (PAS) under DepED Order No. 27, dated June 27, 2002.
  2. For an effective formulation and review of the policies, monitoring and action on appeals related to PAS implementation, the Performance Appraisal Review Committee (PARC) of this Department is hereby constituted, as follows:
    Chair: Assistant Secretary Jesus G. Galvan
    Co-Chair: Assistant Secretary Teodoro R. Catindig
    Members : Ms. Lilia Z. Roces – Chief, Research and Statistics Division, OPS
    OIC, Office of the Asst. Secretary for Planning
    Dr. Paraluman R. Giron – Regional Director, Association of DepED Directors, Inc.
    Dr. EltenitaT.Martinez – Schools Division Superintendent,
    Division of Misamis Oriental, President, PASS
    Atty. Domingo B. Alidon – President, Central Employees Union (CEU) 2nd Level Representative
    Fidel A. Salosagcol – Chairman, Board of Directors, CEU 1st Level Representative
    Rosita L. Santiago – Chief, Personnel Division, CO
    Leonila G. Joson – Assistant Chief, Personnel Division, CO
  3. Bureaus/Services/Centers in the Central Office and the Field Offices shall likewise establish their respective PARCs to be constituted by the respective heads of said offices.
  4. Each PARC in the Central and field offices shall perform its responsibilities and set its own internal rules and procedures consistent with the General and Basic Policies of the Performance Appraisal System.
  5. Please be guided accordingly.

DepED Order (No. 27, s. 2002)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
