DO 41, s. 2004 – Revised Curriculum of the 110 S & T Oriented (ESEP) High School

June 15, 2004
DO 41, s. 2004
Revised Curriculum of the 110 S & T Oriented (ESEP) High School

To: Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Secondary Schools

  1. In line with this Department’s policy of making the curriculum relevant to the needs of the learners, the Revised Secondary Education Program of the 110 S & T Oriented High Schools offering the Engineering and Science Education Program (ESEP) shall be implemented effective SY 2004-2005.
  2. The implementation shall be done on a staggered schedule as follows:
    First Year – SY 2004-2005
    Second Year – SY 2005 – 2006
    Third Year – SY 2006 – 2007
    Fourth Year – SY 2007 – 2008
  3. Enclosure No. 1 indicates the time allotment and the unit credits of the subjects comprising the revised ESEP curriculum. The Course Description is provided in Enclosure No. 2. The Learning Competencies of the subjects shall be distributed to the schools concerned. The instructional materials shall be those used in the Basic Education Curriculum, in addition to other references provided by the Science Education Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (SEI-DOST).
  4. The program shall be implemented in at least two (2) classes in each year level with a maximum of 40 students per class. Admission shall be opened to entering First Year High School students with honors and the upper 20 percentile rank of qualifiers of the High School Readiness Test (HSRT).
  5. For inquiries or clarifications about the program, please get in touch with the BSE Director, Attn.: Ms. Victoria V. Cervantes, with tel. nos. 632-77-46 and 635-47-66.
  6. All other issuances on the curriculum of the S & T Oriented (ESEP) High Schools, that are inconsistent with this Order, are hereby amended accordingly.
  7. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

As stated
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
