DO 38, s. 2007 – Reiteration of the Moratorium on the Procurement of Supplementary and Reference Materials

June 7, 2007
DO 38, s. 2007
Reiteration of the Moratorium on the Procurement of Supplementary and Reference Materials

To: Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Bureau / Center / Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
Resident COA Auditors
All Others Concerned

  1. Coverage. This pertains to the procurement of various supplementary and reference instructional materials (including multimedia and/or computer software packages) by / for DepEd offices and schools.
  2. Reiteration of DECS Order No. 25, s. 1999. The moratorium on the procurement of supplementary and reference materials by all DepEd Offices as contained in DECS Order No. 25, s. 1999 dated March 8, 1999 which states that: “The procurement of supplementary and reference materials by all DECS Offices is hereby suspended to ensure that available funds are instead used to address the current backlog of textbooks and teacher’s manuals” is still being enforced and has not been lifted to date. Thus, content evaluation of all supplementary and reference materials is also suspended.
  3. Rescission of Item 5 (b) of DepEd Memo No. 289, s. 2004. This Order rescinds Item 5 (b) of DepEd Memo No. 289, s. 2004 dated July 7, 2004 which states: “ … It is recommended that local government units looking to purchase books through the Special Education Fund … (b) Focus their instructional materials purchases on either supplementary reading materials, library books (readers not textbooks), workbooks, or multimedia materials (Preferred). ”
  4. Evaluation for Supplementary and Reference Materials. All DepEd Offices are advised to wait for the issuance of the implementing guidelines in the content evaluation of supplementary and reference materials before conducting any activities related to this endeavor.
    1. A vital component of the content evaluation process is the training of DepEd personnel who will manage and facilitate evaluation-related activities and the screening, selection, and training of qualified individuals who will serve as evaluators. These activities are programmed for implementation in 2007.
    2. A DepEd memorandum containing the list of approved supplementary and reference materials (including multimedia and/or computer software packages) will be issued immediately after the evaluation process is completed for the information and guidance of all. Instructional materials not included in this memorandum cannot be purchased using government funds.
  5. Dissemination and Posting of DepEd Order. Immediate dissemination of this DepEd Order by DepEd Regional Offices and posting on bulletin boards of all DepEd Divisions and other concerned offices is desired.
  6. All relevant provisions of existing DepEd Orders, memoranda, and other administrative issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby modified or amended accordingly.
  7. For the information and guidance of all concerned.

DepED Order No. 25, s. 1999
DepED Memorandum No. 289, s. 2004
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
