May 28, 2008 DO 42, s. 2008 – Official List of Additional 121 Tech-Voc High Schools to Implement the STVEP-CBC Effective SY 2008-2009

May 28, 2008
DO 42, s. 2008
Official List of Additional 121 Tech-Voc High Schools to Implement the STVEP-CBC Effective SY 2008-2009

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Public Technical-Vocational High School Administrators/Principals/Heads
All Others Concerned

  1. The Tech-Voc Education Task Force (TVETF) was constituted to revive and strengthen the existing 261 tech-voc high schools and by virtue of DepED Order No. 48, s. 2007, 140 pilot tech-voc high schools implemented the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) and Conceptual Learning Matrix (CLM) last SY 2007-2008 as the most ready schools.
  2. For the 2nd year of implementation of the Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP), the Department has officially identified the list of the 2nd batch of tech-voc high schools which shall join the 140 pilot schools in the adoption of the CBC and CLM effective SY 2008-2009.
  3. Provided in Annex A are the additional 121 schools that are ready to implement the CBC and CLM. Said schools were identified on the basis of the profiling and monitoring of tech-voc high schools nationwide conducted last April 13-19, 2008. Priorities were given to those most ready schools from original tech-voc high schools and/or formerly tech-voc high schools that became a National High School by name, due to the effect of the trifocalization process.
  4. These additional 121 tech-voc high schools are encouraged to select and prepare the list of four (4) priority specialization/subject offerings in their school as basis of the interventions that shall be allotted by the Department through TVE Task Force. A list of the specialization/subject offerings is provided in Annex B.
  5. Those other schools not included in this batch shall participate on the 3rd year of implementation of the STVEP. However, said schools may opt to adopt the CBC, CLM and Instructional Materials upon request from the TVE Task Force through their Regional Directors.
  6. Immediate dissemination of and compliance of this Order is directed.

