June 24, 2009
DO 69, s. 2009
Additional Curriculum Guidelines for the 282 Technical-Vocational Secondary Schools Effective SY 2009-2010

To: Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Technical-Vocational High Schools
Vocational School Administrators
All Others Concerned

  1. In order to enrich the Competency-Based Curriculum and Contextual Learning Matrix (CBC-CLM) being implemented in the 282 Technical-Vocational Secondary Schools nationwide, there is an urgent need to provide the students with a wider range of options particularly in the choice of specialization. There is also a necessity to offer Entrepreneurship as a required subject for third year and fourth year.
  2. Specifically, the following guidelines shall be followed strictly effective SY 2009-2010:
    1. Entrepreneurship III and IV
      1. The subject will no longer be offered as part of exploratory subjects in the first year in as much as it will be required as a separate subject for third and fourth years;
      2. The time allotments for third year and fourth year shall be 120 minutes per week;
      3. Rating system shall follow the Operations Manual and the credit unit shall be 0.6; and
      4. School heads are expected to comply strictly with Section 3 of the Operations Manual.
    2. Internet and Computing Fundamentals (ICF)
      Starting SY 2009-2010, Personal Computer Operations (PCO) as a required subject will be replaced by Internet Computing Fundamentals (ICF) to be taken from Year I to Year III.

      1. All second year students however, shall continue to take the subject (PCO) to complete the two (2)-year requirement;
      2. All first year students shall take the ICF; and
      3. Rating system, time allotment and unit credit shall remain the same as stated in the provisions of the Operations Manual under the curriculum.
    3. Additional Specializations
      There are five (5) new specializations to be offered for the second year students effective SY 2009-2010. These are as follows:

      1. Drafting Technology
        1. The Technical Drawing shall serve as the exploratory requirement for this specialization, hence, there is no need for additional time/task to orient the students on the theories/concepts leading to Drafting Technology.
        2. The schools who will offer said specialization shall consider the readiness of the school in terms of teachers capacity to teach and the availability of facilities and instructional support materials.
        3. Time allotment, unit credit and rating system shall follow Sec. 3 of the Operations Manual (under pilot basis).
      2. PC Hardware Servicing
      3. Computer Networking Technology
      4. Computer Programming
      5. Animation and Visual Graphics Design

      For SY 2009-2010, the last four specializations shall observe the following guidelines:

      1. For the 48 Regional ICT Tech-Voc HS (DepED Memorandum No. 138, s. 2009) each school shall select only two (2) specializations to be offered for SY 2009-2010 considering the schools readiness to offer such specialization;
      2. The exploratory requirement shall be the Year I PC Operation;
      3. First year students currently enrolled, (SY 2009-2010) shall be provided with the exploration related to their preferred specialization for their Year II next school year;
      4. Rating system, time allotment and unit credit shall be the same with other specializations offered;
      5. Teachers with NC II qualification shall be allowed to teach any of the specializations and or those who are qualified with the CISCO requirements;
      6. In the case of schools offering more than four (4) specializations, exploratory shall be clustered and be taken simultaneously following the guidelines for the TVE Year I:
        Girls Trade Boys Trade ICT related Fishery Agriculture
      7. The principals may do the clustering of exploratory depending on the specialization applicable in the school;
      8. Qualifying examination to determine the students option shall be administered to ensure that the students will be guided in their choice; and
      9. If aside from the 48 ICT schools, there will be other schools who opt to offer any of the four (4) ICT specializations as additional, they will be allowed but consideration as to their readiness shall be determined (teachers and facilities).
  3. Instructional materials in DVDR Form for the Entrepreneurship, Internet Computing Fundamentals (ICF) and the five (5) new additional specializations shall be distributed as soon as possible.
  4. For inquiries, please contact Dr. Ricardo M. De Lumen, OIC Director III, Technical-Vocational Task Force (TVTF) Office at tel. nos.: (02) 633-9346 or (02) 632-0170.
  5. Immediate dissemination of and with compliance with this Order is directed.

DepED Memorandum: ( No. 138, s. 2009) Allotment: 1 – -(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
