August 20, 2009
DO 89, s. 2009
Dissemination of Executive Order No. 811 Dated June 11, 2009 on the Implementation of the First Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule of Civilian Personnel

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents

  1. Recognizing the critical role of the teaching and non-teaching personnel of the Department in improving the quality of basic education, DepED has vigorously campaigned and supported the efforts of Congress in increasing the salary of government employees to improve the take home pay and to make it more competitive with private sector.
  2. Pursuant to Joint Resolution No. 4, s. 2009 of Congress, Executive Order No. 811 was signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last June 17 allocating PhP18.4 Billion under the Fiscal Year 2009 General Appropriations Act to cover the compensation adjustments necessary to implement the first tranche of modified salary schedule for civilian personnel.
  3. Under the said EO, the salary rate adjustment shall be in accordance with the enclosed First Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule for Civilian Government Personnel (Annex A). The succeeding tranches of salary adjustment shall be made annual until fully implemented in 2012 as seen in Annex B of EO 811.
  4. Aside from this salary adjustment, DepED employees were also granted increases through re-allocation of classes of positions of Teachers, Head Teachers, Master Teachers, Principals and Education Supervisors, including the accounting, health, medical and legal services. A re-allocated position is that with change in one, two, or all of the following attributes: position title, level and salary grade. Annex C further details the Re-allocation of Classes of Positions.
  5. Enclosed are copies of EO No. 811, DBM National Budget Circular No. 521 dated July 1, 2009 and the letter of Secretary Rolando G. Andaya to this Office dated July 3, 2009 for further reference.
  6. For further information, please contact the Office of DepED Undersecretary for Administration and Finance at tel. nos.: (02) 633-7205/633-7259 or the Office of the DepED Assistant Secretary for Special Projects and Legislative Liaison at tel. nos.: (02) 633-7224/633-1940.

As stated
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
