February 18, 2010 DO 13, s. 2010 – 2010 Graduation Rites

February 18, 2010
DO 13, s. 2010
2010 Graduation Rites
  1. The 2010 Graduation Rites shall focus on the theme “Education: Changing Lives” (Edukasyon ang Solusyon). It should be scheduled any day between March 29 and April 9, 2010.
  2. Due to economic difficulties brought about by recent natural calamities, this Office reiterates the Department’s policy on the conduct and collection of fees for graduation rites:
  1. Public schools are not allowed to collect any graduation fees or any kind of contribution for graduation rites;
  2. PTA may solicit minimal voluntary contributions from their members for graduation ceremonies and celebrations. However, teachers and principals should not be involved in the collection of said contributions. Use of such contributions for graduation shall be coordinated with and properly reported to the PTA members in an assembly;
  3. No non-academic project shall be imposed as a requirement for graduation;
  4. No extraordinary venue for the ceremonies should be required. Holding the graduation within the school premises is strongly encouraged;
  5. No special attire for the ceremonies should be required. Wearing of togas may be allowed subject to the approval of the PTA officers and members representing the graduating class and that only the actual cost of rental of togas is borne by the graduating students; and
  6. Contributions for the annual yearbook shall likewise be on a voluntary basis only.
  1. The graduation rites should be conducted in an appropriate solemn ceremony befitting the graduating students and their parents and shall not in anyway be used as a venue for political forum.
  2. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
Jesli A. Lapus