February 18, 2010 DO 16, s. 2010 – Task Force on School Sites
February 18, 2010
DO 16, s. 2010
Task Force on School Sites
  1. To develop appropriate and effective strategies for the identification of untitled school sites and the accelerated titling of all other DepEd properties similarly situated, the safekeeping of the required vital documents in relation thereto, ensuring that legal problems are taken care of and immediately addressed to, conduct of information dissemination on the procedural steps on the foregoing tasks directly to the field offices, including the monitoring and ocular inspection/s of sites, the Task Force on School Sites is hereby reorganized with the following duties and functions:
  1. To conduct an inventory and develop a computerize database of all school sites and other DepEd real properties presently in its possession or intended for its use and benefit;
  2. To determine the status of title of school sites and other DepEd real properties and recommend their immediate titling in the absence thereof;
  3. To develop a system that will help in the registration of unregistered school sites and other DepEd real properties covered by Deeds of Conveyances (e.g. purchased, donated, under usufruct/exchange) in favor of DepEd with the appropriate agencies of government (e.g., Land Registration Authority/ Register of Deeds, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Bureau of Internal Revenue, etc.) and to obtain the necessary Transfer Certificate of Title in the name of DepEd;
  4. To develop a system for the preservation of all muniments of title and other documents relative to all properties in the name of DepEd;
  5. To identify and recommend solutions to problems confronting the school sites and other DepEd real properties;
  6. To recommend and assist in the acquisition of existing school sites and other real properties which are necessary for the continued operation of DepEd;
  7. To recommend and assist in the filing of appropriate legal action to protect the interest of DepEd respecting its school sites and other real properties as well as to recommend appropriate actions and assist in the preservation and protection of existing school sites and other DepEd properties in coordination with its Regional/Division Offices;
  8. To prepare and review all legal documents in connection with its functions;
  9. To secure the assistance of the Regional/Division Offices, if necessary, in the exercise of its functions.
  1. The Chairman and Members of the Task Force on School Sites are as follows:
                       Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs
MEMBERS                     MR. REYNALDO A. BERNALDO
DepEd Consultant
                  ATTY. EDUARDO 9. CABREROS, JR.
                                           DepEd Legal Consultant
                  MR. CLARO CAPCO
                                           Administrative Officer V
                                           Executive Assistant IV
                  MR. MARIO B. LASQUETY
                                           Project Development Officer II
All Regional and Division Administrative and Legal Officers
  1. The Task Force will be assisted by a Secretariat, the membership of which will be designated by the Chairman.
  2. All other existing orders and/or memoranda inconsistent with this Order are superceded and therefore deemed rescinded.
  3. For information and guidance of all concerned.


Jesli A. Lapus