March 17, 2011 DO 25, s. 2011 – Guidelines on the Allocation of New Technical-Vocational Teacher Items for the 282 Secondary Schools Implementing the Strengthened Technical and Vocational Education Program (STVEP)

March 17, 2011
DO 25, s. 2011
Guidelines on the Allocation of New Technical-Vocational Teacher Items for the 282 Secondary Schools Implementing the Strengthened Technical and Vocational Education Program (STVEP)

To: Undersecretaries

Assistant Secretaries

Regional Directors

Schools Division/City Superintendents

Heads, Public Technical-Vocational Secondary Schools

All Others Concerned

  1. Recognizing the need to hire new technical-vocational teachers, the Department of Education (DepEd) through the Technical-Vocational Task Force (TVTF) has allocated new three hundred (300) teacher items with specializations in the areas of arts and trades, agriculture, and fishery specifically intended for the 282 technical-vocational secondary schools which are implementing the Strengthened Technical and Vocational Education Program (STVEP).
  2. The distribution of the teacher items per school is based on the actual number of students enrolled in the technical and vocational education programs offered by these schools versus the actual number of teachers handling various technical-vocational specializations.
  3. This Department’s initiative is vital in addressing the shortage of teachers with the technical-vocational specializations in these 282 schools. This will also facilitate the attainment of the prescribed teacher-student ratio of 1:20 in the technical-vocational schools as cited in DepEd Order No. 77, s. 2010 entitled, “Guidelines on the Allocation/Deployment of New Teaching, Teaching Related and Non-Teaching Positions for FY 2010.”
  4. In view of this, the Regional Directors (RDs) and Schools Division/City Superintendents (SDSs) concerned should ensure that the technical- vocational teacher items would be awarded to the school beneficiaries as indicated in the enclosure.
  5. Every Regional Office shall submit a Regional Report on the Actual Distribution of the New Technical-Vocational Teacher Items on or before March 30, 2011 to the TVTF Office, DepEd Central Office, Mabini Bldg., Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. This Office shall consolidate all Regional Reports for purposes of documentation and reporting.
  6. Immediate and wide dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.BR. ARMIN A. LUISTRO, FSC (signed)
    SecretaryEncl.:As stated Reference:


    To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

    under the following subjects:





    DO No. 25, s. 2011