July 26, 2011 DO 57, s. 2011 – Policy Guidelines in the Implementation of the Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project

July 20, 2011
DO 57, s. 2011
Policy Guidelines in the Implementation of the Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project

To : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. Section 17, Article II of the Philippine Constitution mandates the State to give priority to Education, Science and Technology to foster patriotism and nationalism, accelerate social programs and promote total human development. Section 10, Article XIV further states that Science and Technology are essential for nationalism, development, invention, innovation and their utilization. Providing opportunities for the development of scientific attitudes, technological skills and higher order thinking skills among learners of Basic Education in an environment supportive of their nurturance is the primary responsibility of the Department of Education (DepEd).
  2. As a supporting and strengthening initiative to the above mandates, this Department through the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) launched and implemented the Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project in 2007 to fifty- seven (57) public elementary schools. This Project has expanded to forty-three (43) more schools in 2009. It is a research and development project designed to develop Filipino children who are equipped with scientific and technological knowledge, skills and attitudes; creative and have positive values; and lifelong learning skills to become productive partners in the development of the community and society.
  3. The Project aims to:
    1. provide a learning environment to the gifted and talented through special Mathematics and Science curricula which recognize multiple intelligences geared towards the development of God- loving, globally competitive, nationalistic, creative, ecologically aware, scientifically and technologically-oriented and skilled individuals who are empowered through lifelong learning skills;
    2. provide the gifted and talented learners with avenues, opportunities and exposures for developing necessary skills and aptitudes;
    3. capacitate school heads and teachers in implementing and managing SSES schools; and
    4. develop SSES program models for both the regular schools and SPED centers.
  4. For School Year (SY) 2011-2012, the Project shall be expanded to one hundred (100) more public elementary schools which consist of SPED Centers with programs for the gifted and talented, and regular schools. Enclosure No. 2 contains the List of Schools. Each of the schools identified, the divisions and regions involved in the project shall be provided with funds subsidy to support the activities pursuant to the implementation of the Project. A DepEd Order to this effect shall be issued.
  5. For effective implementation of the Project, the identified schools, divisions and regions should adhere to the implementing guidelines set forth in Enclosure No. 1.
  6. For more information, please direct all inquiries to Ms. Fe M. Villalino, Chief, Staff Development Division (SDD-BEE) at telephone no.: (02) 687-2948 or to Ms. Mirla R. Olores, Chief, Special Education Division (SPED-BEE) at telephone no.: (02) 631-99- 93 or send a message at e-mail address: bee_sdd@yahoo.com.
  7. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.

As stated
DepEd Order: No. 51, s. 2010

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
