Dir. Yu to receive international award

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

“My biggest reward is knowing from my students that I have made a difference in their lives”.

This is what Director Luisa Bautista-Yu said when asked what the international award meant to her. Director Yu is one of the recipients of the Education International (EI) Albert Shanker Education Award 2015 along with Ahmed Jassam SalihAl-shiblawi from Iraq. The two educators were chosen by the Education International’s executive Board for their great contribution to education in their country.

Director Yu rose from the ranks in her career as a teacher. Having witnessed the transformation of the education system of the country, she developed her leadership skills and became an advocate of change. “As an education leader, my role is to empower my co-educators to make education accessible to all, work together and unite for quality education”, she added.

The most challenging experience she had in her career was the Super Typhoon Yolanda. Dir. Yu had to deal with the imaginable situation of the entire Eastern Visayas. Education was greatly affected. With thousands of children out of school, the Regional Director took a stand of bringing education back to normal. Yolanda tested her faith, character and resilience as a leader.

The Albert Shanker Education Award is given every four years during EI congress. This 7th EI Congress, Dir. Luisa Bautista-Yu was recognized as guest of honor and recipient of the international award. The Awards ceremony shall be held on the 25th of July 2015 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada.

Dir. Yu expressed her gratitude to the Philippine Public School Teachers Association, Inc and the Brunei Malay Teachers Association for endorsing the nomination to the Education International.

“This award would mean nothing without our Divine Creator who enabled me to be a servant leader. To Him, I owe everything!” she added.