September 27, 2016

“Listen to Understand, Speak to be Understood, Educate to Improve, Touch to Create a Beautiful Tomorrow”

Teachers are considered modernized heroes considering their countless efforts in the transmission of knowledge and transformation of character in every learner for a hopeful environment. In the simplest term, a teacher is someone who educates beyond limits, risks without taking chances and opportunities, encourages in down moments, promises even if it is hopeless, smiles in difficulties, and who loves without compromise.

Teachers are highly – empowered individuals. They constantly educate using their own story of experiences. They read a lot, attend trainings to acquire new skills, learn and discover, and continually expand their competence and serve others. Likewise, radiate positive energy by being enthusiastic, hopeful, believing, and optimistic.  Their actions and attitudes are in consonance to the real situations by being balanced, temperate, moderate, and wise. On the other hand, teachers are flexible and can adjust to different situations. They can easily navigate to the different stakeholders in the community for the improvement of the school.  Teachers are also smart considering that they are very productive in working with the co – teachers in school. Truly, they produce outputs in new and creative ways.

Teachers indeed are modernized heroes. Their function is the most critical and challenging responsibility in the society – to teach and transform. Most of the time, their functions are being extended at homes, sleeping late at night in preparing quality learning packages for the learners. There are also some teachers who initiated a good practice in school which is “Adopt – A – Learner” through feeding the malnourished children, providing pencils, papers and notebooks and even free lunch just to encourage the learners to stay in the four walls of the room. One can’t ignore the obvious fact that a teacher’s role is very necessary and important, not just as being considered second parents but more so as heroes and keeper of everybody’s dream. No other government employees can surpass the sacrifices of the teachers just to produce functional doctors, engineers, leaders, nurses, lawyers, and even teachers working now in our society. Of course these extraordinary professionals are also considered heroes but teachers serve as the living vehicle in the transmission of knowledge and transforming character that geared towards the fulfilment of that dream.

Lastly, no doubt teachers make a big difference in the life of every learner. These teachers who are front liners in bringing out dreams and keeping those dreams come true are amazing things, yet,    seldom have been seen, recognized, and realized by most people in the society nowadays.

“Listen to Understand, Speak to be Understood, Educate to Improve, Touch to Create a Beautiful Tomorrow”