3-Day Regional Advocacy Seminar on Multi-grade Education, NEAP School Heads Development Program participated

In order to generate a thorough awareness and understanding on the various DepEd programs specifically on Multi-grade Education and National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP): School Heads Development Program (SHDP) and other related Central Office (CO) initiated programs and projects, 212 Regional, Division and Public Schools District Supervisors participated the three-day Regional Advocacy Seminar on Multi-grade Education and NEAP SHDP pursuant to Deped Regional Memorandum 113, s. 2016.
Facilitators of the said advocacy were: PSDS Thais Tardo; Differentiated instruction on MG Context, PSDS Alma Belarmino; Lesson Planning in MG/How differentiated instruction is done in context, process and Assessment in MG, Chief Judith Romaguera; Leading Change, EPS Filma B. Catalan; Leading Change.
EPS Lucman Manupac also facilitated K to 12 Assessment/IPED/Madrasah/Alive, Chief Eugenio B. Penales; SHS updates, EPS Sonia Gonzales; Partnership and Linkages, Dr. Miriam Indin; Health and Nutrition, EPS Nonita Origenes; GAD, EPS Basher Jamahali; Science Investigatory, EPS Alma Beton and EPS Norviña Tubongbanua; RSPC/NSPC, EPS Ruel Saldua; RFOT/NFOT and EPS Mario Muzueto Jala;ALS.
Dr. Isabelita M. Borres, Regional Director shared inspiring message before the participants during the Awarding ceremony to all PSDS, Division EPS and other Regional employee awardees on the night of October 20 for the remarkable support, generous services, technical expertise and committed leadership extended to Deped ROIX for its programs and projects implementation.
Hon. Romeo Pulmones, City mayor through his representative Bienvenido Culve, City Administrator also graced the occasion which immensely contributed to the successful conduct of the program.