April 25, 2011 DO 35, s. 2011 – Guidelines on School Visitations, Inspections, and Monitoring and Evaluation

April 25, 2011
DO 35, s. 2011
Guidelines on School Visitations, Inspections, and Monitoring and Evaluation

To : Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of units
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. The Department of Education (DepEd) has received feedbacks/comments from foreign observers through the Department’s website: www.deped.gov.ph relative to the school visitations, inspections, monitoring and evaluation made by officials and personnel from the DepEd Central Office, Regional Offices, Division Offices and District Offices. It is alleged that every time the visitors/monitors from the central and field offices visit the schools, the teachers are asked to contribute a certain amount for the meals and accommodation of said visitors/monitors.
  2. Asking teachers to contribute for the visitors/monitors meals and accommodation shall not be tolerated considering that the expenses for school visitations, inspections, and monitoring and evaluation activities of all DepEd personnel are covered in their daily per diem and allowable transportation expenses during official travels.
  3. The assistance that should be extended to all concerned central office, regional, division, and district officials/personnel should be limited to coordination in order to ensure that the objectives of the school visitations, inspections, and monitoring and evaluation are properly accomplished.
  4. In line with the government’s policy and in conformity with the highest ethical standards of public service, school officials should refrain from collecting contributions from the teachers intended for the meals and accommodation of visitors/monitors.
  5. Violation of this Order by any school official/employee shall be strictly dealt with administratively, pursuant to DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2006, otherwise known as the “Revised Rules of Procedure of the Department of Education in Administrative Cases.”
  6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

Reference: DepEd Order: (No. 49, s. 2006)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
