The DepEd Commons and Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) have resources for teaching the K-12 Curriculum. The use of the resources is FREE provided that it’s used for education and non-commercial use. Please don’t forget to cite.
There are existing resources on climate change in the portal. Currently, the review and enhancement of learning materials on climate change competencies is on-going. If you have suggestions or comments, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us at
The following knowledge materials are being developed and will be uploaded at the DepEd Commons and LRMDS by the first semester of 2021:
- The KaLikHasan! Likha at Lakas ng Kabataan para sa Kalikasan: A Creative Sourcebook on the Use of Theater for Climate Education and Action was developed following the success of the 2019 Climate Action Advocacy Show co-created and performed by 72 students from the Divisions of Malabon City, Navotas City, and Pasig City. CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY.
- Acknowledging the Philippines as a center for biodiversity and adversity specially on the interconnectedness of biodiversity and climate change, the Biodiversity Toolkit will provide information on these particular topics and generate a species fact sheet at the national and regional level. CLICK HERE TO GET A COPY.
- The Handbook for Teaching Climate Change shall provide information on the different aspects of the climate crisis particularly climate science, impacts of climate change, and adaptation and mitigation strategies. The discussion is driven by the most frequently asked questions by students and the most challenging questions encountered by the teachers.
The preceding are being developed with different specialists from Komunidad X, Biodiversity Conservation Society of the Philippines (BCSP), and Climate Action for Sustainability Initiative (KASALI). It is being reviewed by DepEd BCD, BLD, and BLR. External partners like the Climate Change Commission (CCC), Department of Environment and Natural Resources Climate Change Service (DENR-CCS) and Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), and the Cultural Center of the Philippines are vetting the materials.

DepEd Commons was a “response” to the 2021 Paris Open Educational Resources (OERs) Declaration. Currently, DepEd Commons is rapidly evolving as a portal that will support additional modalities of the teacher-learning process. It is under the Public Schools of the Future’s Digital Rise Program of the DepEd Office of the Undersecretary for Administration (OUA) and the Information and Communications Technology (ICTS).
DepEd Commons is envisioned to be populated with learning materials that will be authored by DepEd teachers themselves containing weekly lessons for each grade level and subject area to ensure that learning will continue even if face-to-face classes are reduced or suspended to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Quality assured Self-Learning Modules (SLM) for different learning modalities for all learners from kinder to senior high school shall be converted to inclusive and interactive e-books and uploaded to the DepEd Commons. These will be the modules (in prints, video lessons, and/or digital formats) that will be used for blended learning, distance learning, homeschooling, and apprenticeship, either on top or in place of the traditional face-to-face learning modality.
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The Learning Resources Management and Development System (LRMDS) is designed to support increased distribution and access to learning, teaching, and professional development resources at the Region, Division and School/Cluster levels of DepED. Access to resources is also free as long as teachers are registered on the website.
The LRMDS provides access to quality resources from the Regions, Divisions, Cluster/School level: including,
information on quantity and quality, and location of textbooks and supplementary materials, and cultural expertise,
access to learning, teaching, and professional development resources in digital format and locates resources in print format and hard copy,
standards, specifications, and guidelines for assessing & evaluating, acquiring & harvesting, modification, development and production of resources
It is also a quality assurance system providing support to DepED Regions, Divisions, and Schools in the selection and acquisition of quality digital and non-digital resources in response to identified local educational needs.
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