DO 44, s. 1985 – Consolidating Rules Governing the Piloting of the Civic Welfare Service Component of the National Service Law

July 22, 1985
DO 44, s. 1985
Consolidating Rules Governing the Piloting of the Civic Welfare Service Component of the National Service Law

To: Deputy Ministers
Assistant Secretaries
The Director, Bureau of Higher Education
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Background. Civic welfare service (CWS) is authorized by P.D. No. 1706 (the National Service Law) as a substitute for preparatory military training. The design and implementation of CWS has been assigned to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under the Rules and Regulations implementing P.D. No. 1706. This document represents the consolidated rules and regulations governing the limited piloting of CWS.
  2. Objectives
    1. Civic welfare service refers to activities which are of life for the members of the community, or the enhancement of its facilities especially those devoted to improving health, education, safety, recreation and the morale of the citizenry.
    2. The general objective of CWS is to develop, promote and enhance civic consciousness and citizens’ participation in community development programs.
    3. At the tertiary level, CWS aims to develop understanding and appreciation of the theories and knowledge learned in schools in solving community problems through actual involvement in programs and projects that will improve the living condition of people, physically, socially, morally, economically, and spiritually.
  3. Coverage
    1. The pilot test of CWS shall be conducted during school year 1985-86 in the tertiary level programs of all state universities and colleges, private universities and colleges in Region III (Central Luzon), Cebu City, Iloilo City and Cagayan de Oro City, and volunteer universities and colleges in Metro Manila.
    2. The CWS shall be available in the pilot institutions, open to admitted male college students who are otherwise required under existing regulations to undergo Citizens Military Training (CMT).
    3. Elementary pupils, secondary school students and female college students in participating institutions and regions shall not be covered by these rules and regulations.
    4. The CWS option shall not be applicable to students of government military institutions and other state schools whose objectives deal with military or police training (i.e., Philippine Military Academy, Philippine National Police Academy, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, etc.).
    5. Schools in pilot areas that are unprepared to administer the CWS may request exemption, in which case the regular CMT course shall continue to be implemented, except for CBTM in the first semester.
  4. Program Design
    1. When in full implementation for first and second year male college students, the CWS shall consist of 54 hours of the Common Basic Training Module (CBTM), 54 hours of lecture, and 120 hours of project work. These add up to 223 hours spread over four (4) semesters. This is in lieu of the existing 240 hours of lecture and drill that is required under CMT.
    2. Under the pilot implementation for the current school year, male first year students shall take the 54-hour CBTM during the first semester in place of the regular CMT course as offered in previous years. The CBTM shall be supervised by the CMT Commandant and is intended to provide students with the necessary knowledge of the three components of national service in order to enable them to make a wise selection between military training, civic welfare or law enforcement.
    3. Up to twenty percent (20%) of male students may choose CWS beginning in the second semester of the school year. A student who elects and is accepted into CWS shall undergo a program with lecture and project components, in lieu of the regular CMT course that he would otherwise take.
    4. The fifty four (54)-hour lecture requirement for CWS shall include concepts of loyalty, patriotism, nation-building, civic conscience, Filipino ideology, and other values and topics needed to prepare the student for subsequent project participation.
    5. The one hundred twenty (120)-hour project participation requirement shall consist of active involvement in an institutionally managed project(s) of the school itself or of accredited agencies/organizations. Participation in projects must be an adjunct to and aimed as an enrichment of the curricular program, so that students will develop a sense of service and commitment to the community and to their project.
    6. The CWS option shall not be available to sophomore students, who shall continue to take CMT during school year 1985-86.
    7. CWS programs/projects to be undertaken by private and MECS supervised educational institutions shall be designed by the institutions, subject to the approval of the Regional Director concerned. The following criteria shall apply to CWS project design: (1) relevance to the educative process, (2) practicability, (3) continuity, and (4) economy, in terms of least cost to participating students.
    8. The following are listed by way of suggestions of CWS projects: (1) “Adopt a Barangay” project, designed towards the physical, mental, social, economic and spiritual development of a barangay; (2) literacy classes and prep and kindergarten classes for low-income families; (3) courses on the management of small-scale business for small store owners, and training of out-of-school youth for entrepreneurship; (4) participation in productivity campaigns and other community-based projects including Sariling Sikap and projects of accredited private agencies or organizations. These may include encouragement and participation in backyard gardening and other activities under the KKK program, field trips to model farms and projects and engaging in income-producing activities; (5) organizing community sports and physical fitness programs; (6) organizing community assemblies; and (7) water and energy conservation projects, including tree planting and reforestation.
    9. The internship programs of dentistry, nursing, nutrition and dietetics, social work and criminology may be presented in satisfaction of the project requirement in CWS. Other disciplines which may involve internship program in the form of compulsory service for community development may likewise be exempted upon prior approval of the MECS-NSL Committee.
    10. State colleges and universities may design their own CWS projects, subject to the approval of the SUC’s Board of Regents on recommendation of the appropriate school Curriculum Committee. The details of approved programs shall be submitted to the MECS-NSL Committee for information.
  5. Choice of Participants
    1. A maximum of twenty per cent (20%) of male freshmen students in the participating institutions may select civic welfare upon completion of CBTM.
    2. School heads shall establish a Preference Survey Committee which shall be responsible for conducting a preference survey among the students covered by the program. This Committee shall be responsible for selecting the students who shall go into CWS. The preference survey must be finished not later than one (1) month after the start of regular classes.
    3. The Preference Survey Committee shall be chaired by the school head and shall include as members the implementers within the school (if any) of the military service, law enforcement service and civic welfare service programs, as well as other school officials as may be appointed by the school head.
    4. In case the survey indicates that more than twenty per cent (20%) of students prefer to join CWS, preference shall be given to those who have valid reasons for not joining Military Service. Other things being equal, it is suggested that the choice of those who may go into the program be done by random selection.
    5. Students exempted from CMT for reason of being servicemen on active duty, ex-US or Philippine servicemen and students taking second degree courses such as law or medicine, are likewise exempted from CWS.
  6. Organization and Management
    1. School heads shall be responsible for implementing the CWS. Each school head, with the approval or authority from his Board, may establish the CWS organization structure according to his own discretion to fit the conditions obtaining in the school/community.
    2. The following possible organizational arrangements are suggested:
      1. The deans/heads/chairmen of the colleges/departments/units shall be responsible for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the CWS programs and projects within their respective colleges/departments, and a CWS manager shall coordinate and monitor the CWS programs and projects of the different colleges/departments/units;
      2. A unit/center headed by a Program Director may be established within the school. This center shall be responsible for the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the CWS programs/projects of the entire institution. The CWS implementor must be a responsible official of the school, preferably at the level of a department head. Records must be properly kept, maintained and secured. Each school must inform the MECS-NSL Committee about the system of management of the CWS, including measures taken to ensure proper implementation.
    3. The person assigned to be responsible for the CWS shall have the following functions:
      1. As may be instructed by the school head, coordinate with the MECS Regional Director, local officials, government and private agencies/offices and MECS certified organizations regarding activities related to CWS;
      2. Design appropriate CWS programs/ projects for the school;
      3. Coordinate with the CMT Commandant of the school regarding the smooth implementation of the MS and CWS programs, especially the preference survey to be conducted;
      4. Arrange for lecturers and other personnel needed for the conduct of the CBTM and the lecture component of the CWS;
      5. Organize possible student assistant/aides to help in the school’s CWS;
      6. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the school head on CWS program implementation.
    4. The MECS Regional Director shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of CWS in his region, except chartered state universities and colleges. In line with this, he shall:
      1. Evaluate and approve CWS programs/projects submitted by the schools;
      2. List possible projects/programs of national and local government agencies/units in the region that schools may adopt for their own CWS;
      3. Coordinate with MLG, MHS, other national government agencies, private agencies/organizations, barangay officials, municipal and city mayors, provincial governors, regional development councils, and other agencies whose participating may be necessary in the implementation of CWS that involve these agencies;
      4. Establish a regional secretariat to monitor CWS implementation.
  7. Evaluation of Student Performance
    1. Each institution shall devise its own method of evaluating and rating student performance and accomplishment of certain assigned tasks, taking into consideration not only the number of hours of participation but the quality of participation as well.
    2. Completion of the CWS requirement shall be reflected in the student’s Transcript of Records to be indicated as follows: “Civic Welfare Service – Completed.” If a student transfers to another school without completing his CWS, his record shall indicate: “Civic Welfare Service – Not Completed; Number of hours finished.”
  8. Program Monitoring
    1. The National Service Law Committee created by MECS Order No. 31, s. 1984, shall supervise and coordinate the CWS in pilot schools/areas. The Committee shall be assisted by a support Secretariat composed of representatives from the Bureaus of Higher Education, Sports Development and Continuing Education. The Secretariat shall be headed by Mr. Rodolfo R. Soliman as Executive Officer.
    2. Heads of participating institutions and MECS Regional Directors shall coordinate directly with the MECS-NSL Committee in the implementation of these Guidelines.
    3. After each semester, participating private school heads shall submit a CWS report to the MECS Regional Director. Presidents of SUCs shall submit their CWS report to the MECS-NSL Committee, including: (1) CWS projects undertaken, (2) project status or accomplishment, (3) number of student participants, (4) cooperating agencies/organizations, (5) problems encountered and solutions undertaken, and (6) suggestions/recommendations to improve the CWS>
    4. Schools shall submit through channels a financial report duly certified and audited by the school accountant and auditor, respectively, to the MECS-NSL Committee at the end of the school year.
    5. Regional Directors shall submit their consolidated CWS reports by levels to the MECS-NSL Committee at the end of the school year.
  9. Financing
    1. Fees may be charged by the school for CWS in order to cover the costs of the CWS program designated by the school. The CWS fee shall not exceed the amount charged by the institution for one (1) unit of its regular course and the fee shall be in lieu of any CMT fee ordinarily charged.
    2. The proceeds of the CWS fee shall be used exclusively for the operation of the CWS projects of the institution, including salaries and other benefits allowed by law for personnel directly involved in the CWS program. The CWS fee shall be paid to the cashier of the institution as a special trust fund.
  10. Accredited Organizations
    1. Organizations which are national in scope with proven track records may be authorized by the MECS-NSL Committee to implement CWS programs/projects.
    2. Local organizations may apply for authorization from the MECS Regional Director concerned.
    3. Schools may directly implement their own CWS programs/projects directly or through an agency or organization of its choice. In the latter case, the school or the agency or organizations shall apply for accreditation, with the MECS-NSL Committee or the MECS Regional Director, as the case may be, following the standards and guidelines herein established.
    4. The following information shall be submitted by an applicant for accreditation: (1) type of organization, (2) goals and objectives, (3) list of officers, (4) past accomplishments or track record, (5) other requirements imposed by the MECS-NSL Committee or the Regional Director, as the case may be.
    5. An accredited organization shall submit the following to the Regional Director prior to the implementation of any activity: (1) project to be implemented, (2) project location, (3) schedule of implementation, (4) system of implementation, and (5) number of prospective participants.
    6. The deadline for government and private agencies and/or organizations seeking certification from the Ministry to participate in the CWS in the pilot schools/areas is June 17, 1985. They shall submit their request directly to the MECS-NSL Committee.
  11. Repeal Clause
    MEC Order Nos. 28, 35 and 48, s. 1985 are hereby repealed.
  12. Effectivity
    This Order shall take effect during school year 1985-86.

References: MECS Orders No. 31, s. 1984 and Nos. 28, 35, and 42, s. 1985
MECS Memorandum No. 33, s. 1984
Allotment: 1-3-4—(D.O. 1-76)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
