DO 23, s. 1986 – Promotion and Classification of Students of Secondary Schools Night Classes

June 10, 1986
DO 23, s. 1986
Promotion and Classification of Students of Secondary Schools Night Classes

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. For the purpose of enabling working students to finish the secondary course, the five-year night high school classes were organized.
  2. For the purpose of promotion and classification of students in the night high school classes, the criteria for the day high school classes, the criteria for the day high school classes operated for four years will be followed regardless of the number of school years students have been enrolled. Classification is by curriculum year or the level of the curriculum whose requirements they have met.
  3. A night school student may be classified second year if he has passed 6 to 8 units of the first year subject, third year if he passed 14 to 18 units of the first and second year subjects, and fourth year if he has passed the units of the required subjects in the first, Second and Third Years.
  4. A night school student may be eligible for graduation from the secondary level if he passed all the required subjects in the First, Second, Third and Fourth Years of the Day Classes.
  5. It is desired that this Order be immediately disseminated to all concerned for their information, guidance and proper implementation.


Reference: Department Orders: Nos. 20, s. 1973 and 30, s. 1981
BPS Circular: No. 6, s. 1974
Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(D.O. 1-76)

To be indicated in the Perpetual – Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, SECONDARY
