DO 31, s. 1987 – Authority to Offer Additional Course in the Ruperto K. Kangleon Memorial Agro-Fishery Technical Institute

March 25, 1987
DO 31, s. 1987
Authority to Offer Additional Course in the Ruperto K. Kangleon Memorial Agro-Fishery Technical Institute

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities

  1. On the basis of the recommendation of the Bureau of Higher Education and the Technical Panel for Agricultural Education, the Ruperto K. Kangleon Memorial Agro-Fishery Technical Institute (formerly Southern Leyte Agro-Fishery Technical Institute) Bontoc, Southern Leyte, is hereby authorized to offer First Year of the Three-Year Diploma in Fishery Technology (DFT) course as of SY 1987-88.
  2. This authority is issued provided the institution shall maintain satisfactory standards in said course and, provided, further, appropriations required in the operation thereof shall be provided and maintained.
  3. In the case of failure on the part of the above-named school to observe and maintain any of the required standards of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports affecting the course herein approved, and failure to provide and maintain appropriations to support the same, the authority hereby granted may be revoked and cancelled.

Reference: MECS Order No. 4, s. 1981
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
