DO 8, s. 1989 – Observance of Constitution Day in Schools

January 20, 1989
DO 8, s. 1989
Observance of Constitution Day in Schools

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Chiefs of Services and Heads of Units/Centers
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. Enclosed, for the information and guidance of the field, is Proclamation No. 211 dated January 29, 1988, declaring February 2 of Every Year as Constitution Day.
  2. Constitution Day is one of the significant events in Philippine history studied or celebrated in schools. It is therefore expected that, as in the past, the field will stress the significance of the Day particularly through classes in social studies in the elementary grades and the secondary schools, as well as through community meetings. A possible topic in such study or celebration is the following Citizenship Decalogue.
    1. Love God above all things.
    2. Place the welfare of your country and the common good above your own.
    3. Know your constitution: safeguard the rights it recognizes; conform to the duties it implies.
    4. Obey laws; pay your taxes willingly and promptly.
    5. Defend your honor and the honor of your country.
    6. Recognize and obey parental and civil authority.
    7. Be honest and truthful.
    8. Be industrious, diligent and frugal.
    9. Be kind and generous.
    10. Be observant of the personal and property rights of others.
  3. In keeping with the patriotic aim of Constitution Day, it is suggested that programs be held and inform the people about the true meaning and spirit of the Constitution and of creating in them a stronger respect for and greater attachment to this charter of their rights and liberties. It is also desired that since we are celebrating the Decade of Culture and Nationalism appropriate activities should be featured in school and community celebrations particularly for February 2.
  4. It is desired that this Memorandum be widely disseminated as soon as possible.


Incl.: As stated
Reference: B.P.S. Memorandum: No. 18, s. 1961
Allotment: 1-2-3-4–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, ELEMENTARY
Course of Study, SECONDARY
