DO 92, s. 1989 – Creating the Inter-Agency Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) to Assist in the Organization of Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) in the Technical and Vocational Schools
September 25, 1989
DO 92, s. 1989
Creating the Inter-Agency Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) to Assist in the Organization of Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) in the Technical and Vocational Schools

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. Pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement signed on July 26, 1989 by heads of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and Department of Science and Technology (DOST), a Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) was created to coordinate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of its provisions.
  2. The TCC shall be responsible for writing the detailed implementing guidelines of the organization of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). It shall also assist in the operations of the TACs in accordance with Section II of the MOAs, inclosed herewith.
  3. It shall initiate and assist in the organization of TACs in technical and vocational schools as well as training centers and encourage participation of state universities and colleges (SUCs).
  4. The provisions of DECS Order No. 77, s. 1988 shall be enforced in conformity with the provisions of the aforementioned Memorandum of Agreement.
  5. Compliance with the provisions of this Order is desired.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: DECS Order: No. 77, s. 1988
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
